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Information for Section E Students

Information for Section E Students

This page will contain information that only applies to Section E. Except for what's listed below, everything listed in other parts of this wiki applies to Section E as well.

  • Students in Section E will not have quizzes during the labs (the whole lab time will be devoted to receiving help from the TAs). Instead, there will be a midterm test in class on Friday, March 2nd. The format of the midterm will be multiple choice.
  • Lectures for Section E will continue as scheduled during the strike. While the regular lab staffed by TAs is cancelled, there will be office hours by Daman at the same time and location as the lab session.
  • Midterm marks are available here.
  • The average for the midterm was 65%. Here is a histogram of the marks.
sectione.1520425544.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/07 12:25 by bil