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important_dates [2012/10/02 20:35] hjimportant_dates [2016/11/25 22:08] hj
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Important Dates ====== ====== Important Dates ======
-Here, you would list important dates for your course+Here, Important dates for this course:
- +
-  * Oct 10 - Assignment due+
 +  * Dec 30: Project2 is due.
 +  * Nov 25 and 30: In-class presentations.
 +  * <del>Nov 18</del> Dec 2:  A2 is due in class.
 +  * <del>Nov 10</del> Nov 18:  Project1 is due.
 +  * Oct 21:  A1 is due in class.
important_dates.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/09 20:18 by hj

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