====== What's New? ====== **Refresh your pages !!!** * Dec 22: **Your FINAL GRADES (unofficial) ARE POSTED. Please check from the ePost system [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2018-19&term=F&course=3221|here]].** * Dec 5: Some information for your final exam reviews. * Nov 29: Some memory problems for self-study: 32-bit Linux, a memory design problem and its solution. * Nov 29: The TA has remarked parts of Project1/Project2, see the updated marks from the ePost system [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2018-19&term=F&course=3221|here]]. Lecture notes for the final week are posted [[:lecture_notes|here]]. The submission deadline for A2 is extended to Dec 4, which is the last date to submit course work according to the Registrar's office. * Nov 22: Lecture notes for week 9 are posted [[:lecture_notes|here]]. The TA has finished marking your Project2, you may check your mark and his comments from the ePost system [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2018-19&term=F&course=3221|here]]. If you have any concern with your marks, please contact the TA (Chao). * Nov 20: As discussed in class, some hints for A2 is posted [[:assignments|here]]. * Nov 15: Lecture notes for week 8 are posted [[:lecture_notes|here]]. * Nov 14: The second due date for the Project has been extended to Nov 18. Assignment two (A2) is posted [[:assignments|here]]. TA's have finished marking A1 and Project1 and you may check your marks and their comments from the ePost system [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2018-19&term=F&course=3221|here]]. * Nov 13: Upon requests, I have posted my source code for the FCFS scheduler: fcfs.c. Please use my code to debug your own code and fix the problems in your own implementation before you start the RR and FBQ codes. **Please DO NOT use my fcfs.c as the template for RR and FBQ, which will be caught as cheating.** * Nov 10: Similar to FCFS, I also posted two linux binary codes for RR and FBQ for you to debug your own programs. Please download them from [[:assignments|here]]. * Nov 8: Lecture notes for week 7 are posted [[:lecture_notes|here]]. * Nov 6: You may check your midterm mark from the ePost system [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2018-19&term=F&course=3221|here]]. My reference solution and marking scheme is posted here. Read my answers closely before you ask for remarking. If you DO think TA's marked your paper incorrectly, please download {{:reappraisal.txt|the reappraisal form}} and fill and sign it, submit the signed form along with your paper to me by the end of the class on Nov 8. **Note that NO remarking request will be accepted after Nov 8**. * Nov 2: Due to the relatively short time between the midterm and Project1, I have extended the first due date of Project from Nov 6 to Nov 9. * Oct 30: Lecture notes for week 6 are posted [[:lecture_notes|here]]. * Oct 25: A previous midterm exam is posted here for you to review. Some updates are made to project at [[:assignments|here]]. * Oct 23: Lecture notes for week 5 are posted [[:lecture_notes|here]]. * Oct 23: Project has been posted [[:assignments|here]]. Check the submission deadlines and plan your work in advance. * Oct 18: Some people in class have some legitimate tasks to do this weekend so that **the submission deadline for A1 is extended from Oct 22 to Oct 23**. Review some examples discussed in class: thrd.c, alarm.c, alarm_fork.c and alarm_pthread.c. * Oct 4: We will have to teach multithreaded programming after the reading week, which you need to write the third program in A1. As a result, the second deadline of A1 is extended from Oct 15 to Oct 22. * Oct 4: Lecture notes for week 4 are posted [[:lecture_notes|here]]. Some fork() examples discussed in class are here. * Oct 4: Your A1p marks and TA's comments are available to check [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~roumani/ePost/server/ep.cgi?year=2018-19&term=F&course=3221|here]]. The midterm exam is scheduled at **16:00-17:30 on Thursday, November 1**. The location is **ACW109** (not the normal classroom). * Sep 27: The office hours (on Sep 28) are cancelled this week. Send me an email if you want to meet me before next Friday. * Sep 25: Lecture notes for week 3 are posted [[:lecture_notes|here]]. * Sep 19: Based on the questions I have received so far, I slightly revised [[https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/course_archive/2018-19/F/3221/a1.htm|A1 write-up]] to clarify a few points, all changes are highlighted in red. * Sep 6: Lecture notes for weeks 1-2 are posted [[:lecture_notes|here]]. Assignment one is also posted at [[:assignments|here]], you may start to do Part I right now to review your C programming. * Sep 5: Course web is up. Class starts on Sep 6.