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projects [2018/09/18 15:44] lesperanprojects [2018/09/18 15:44] (current) lesperan
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-====== Design and development of a low‐power backend PCB for brain neural signal processing and wireless data transmission ====== 
-**Supervisor:** Hossein Kassiri 
-The student will be responsible for the design and testing of a printed circuit board (PCB) that receives brain electrophysiological signals from multiple recording sites; analyze, decode, and organizes them; and transmit them through a wireless link to a handheld (e.g., cellphone) or stationary (e.g. a laptop) device. The board must be designed while the strict power and area budgets of a medical device taken into account. 
-Once developed, the prototype along with the currently‐available wearable brain monitoring device will form a complete wireless wearable solution for point‐of‐care brain monitoring and diagnosis applications. 
-**Required Background:** Solid knowledge of electrical and electronic circuits, proficiency in Verilog and MATLAB, previous PCB design experience is not a must but definitely is a plus. 
projects.txt · Last modified: 2018/09/18 15:44 by lesperan

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