====== Course Outline ====== The course outline is a guideline to topics that will be discussed in the course, and when they will be discussed: ==== Week 1 Sept. 4==== {{:week_1.pdf|Introduction and technology Trends}} ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 2 Sept. 11==== {{:week_2.pdf|Power, Dependability, and Performance}} ---- ---- ---- ==== Week 3 Sept. 18==== **No Tuesday Lecture** {{:ch2_cache_part_1.pdf|cache: part 1}} 2.1-2.3 in PH6E + class notes fo rthe introduction part ---- ---- ---- ===== Week 4 Sept. 25===== Cache {{:ch2_cache_part_2_performance.pdf|Optimization and performance}} Appendix B.2 and B.3 ---- ---- ---- ===== Week 5 Oct. 2===== **Quiz 1 (Thursday)** Covers Chapter 1 Slides for {{:ch2_vm.pdf|Virtual memory}} Introduction to {{:ch2_dram.pdf|DRAM}} ===== Reading Week===== ===== Week 6 Oct. 16===== **Midterm (Thursday)** midterm sections to cover (in addition to the above sections) B.2, B.4 and the slides ===== Week 7 Oct. 23===== Continue wirg DRAM Start in Instruction level parallelism Introduction and branch prediction {{:caqa6e_ch3_prediction.pdf|here}} Correlating predictors {{:correlating_predictors.pdf|here}} ===== Week 8 Oct. 30===== hardware based ILP {{:caqa6e_ch3_dynamicscheduling.pdf|Dynamic Scheduling}} Example on {{:tomasulu_example.pptx|Tomasulu's Algorithm}} ===== Week 9 Nov. 6 ===== **Quiz 2** (Thursday ===== Week 9 Nov. 13 ===== Introduction to {{:simd_1.pdf|SIMD}} ===== Week 10 Nov. 20===== {{:simd_v.pdf|more SIMD}} {{:gpu.pdf|GPU}} ===== Week 11 Nov. 27 ===== **Quiz 3** {{:cache_coherence.pdf|cachr Coherence}} ===== Week 12 Dec. 4 ===== ===== Final Exam =====