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Assignment 1

Providing MIDI input to your plugin

You should use the Audio Plugin Host to test your MIDI plugin while developing your assignment solution (see instructions above on setting up the Audio Plugin Host).

In order to provide MIDI input on Windows do the following:

Download and install:

On loopMIDI:

  1. Check the + in the Setup tab to create a new port

On vmpk:

  1. Edit → MIDI Connections
  2. Uncheck “Enable MIDI input”
  3. Under Output midi connection select “loopMidi port”

On AudioPluginHost:

  1. Options → Change Audio Device settings
  2. Check “loopMidi Port” in Active midi inputs

Debugging your plugin

Configure your debugger to run the Audio Plugin Host. In Visual Studio, it’s under Project Properties > Debugging > Command. Make sure Attach is set to “No”.

When you start debugging in Visual Studio, it will open an instance of the plugin host. Use it to load your plugin. Now debugging works for your plugin just as it does normally, i.e. you can set breakpoints etc.

assignments/a1.1537909362.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/25 21:02 by bil