====== Course Announcements ====== ===== September 5, 2019 ===== For more detailed information about the course, please refer to the Expanded Course Description for EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Section E at: http://www.yorku.ca/eaasco/LE/2019f-leeecs3221e-03 The Expanded Course Description for EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Section E can also be accessed through the Lassonde School of Engineering Courses Website at https://apps1.sis.yorku.ca/WebObjects/cdm.woa/Contents/WebServerResources/FW2019LE.html --------------------------------------------------------- Start of classes for EECS 3221E Fall 2019. Lecture notes for the next few classes will be posted in the CSE3221E course directory on red: /cs/course/3221E The topics for Assignment 1 will be made available in the file /cs/course/3221E/3221_topics The topic study slides and the topic study report are due on the last day to hand in term work, that is, Wednesday December 4, 2019, 23:59. You are required to hand in hard copies, and electronic copies of all assignments. Although you may use PowerPoint slides for the in-class presentation, the required format when electronically submitting the report and presentation slides is PDF. Please use the "submit" command to submit electronic copies of all assignments, including topic studies presentation slides and reports, programming assignment reports and source code, etc., to the course directory /cs/course/3221E/submit. Use the command "man submit" to learn how to use the "submit" command. The EECS 3221E midterm test will be held at the following time: Time: Thursday October 10, 2019, 16:00-17:30 Location: ACW 206 The Midterm Test will cover the following: a) Chapters 1-5 of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 10th Edition. b) All the slides in OS_ch1.pdf, OS_ch2.pdf, OS_ch3.pdf, OS_ch4.pdf, OS_ch5.pdf as well as all the material covered in the lectures up to and including the Tuesday October 8, 2019 lecture. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes. It is possible that the Midterm Test may include true/false questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats. - Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the midterm and final exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the midterm and final exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the midterm or final exam, please ask such questions during the lectures. Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to red.cse.yorku.ca, then typing the following command: courseInfo 3221E 2019-20 F Reading the first 4 chapters, that is, pages 1-129, of the book “Programming with POSIX Threads” by David R. Butenhof (This book is currently on reserve at Steacie Science Library, Call Number QA 76.76 T55 B88 1997), will not only be helpful for understanding the material on POSIX Threads & Concurrency in Chapter 4 of the textbook, but will also be important for doing the second assignment. Regarding Assignment 1 (Topic Study): This file will include a list of suggested topics that each student group may choose from, as well as the names of the students in each group who have committed to study the topic, write a report and do a class presentation on the topic. Each group is required to have a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students currently enrolled in the class. (Unfortunately, students who are on the waiting list cannot form a group with other students to reserve a topic.) Topics are "First-Come-First-Served". After organizing a group with the required number of students, each group may send by e-mail to the instructor the list of the student names in the group, and reserve one of the topics below. Please note that only a whole group of a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students can reserve a topic. Please also note that the deadline for forming a group of a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students and reserving a topic is Thursday September 26, 2019, 23:59. Topics are to be presented in the same order of the time of reservation of the topics. If a group is the first group to select and reserve a topic, then that group will be the first group to present their reserved topic. For each presentation date, the topic title and the names of the students in the group will be listed. For all students that have enrolled in the course but have not yet joined a group and selected a topic by the deadline of Thursday September 26, 2019, 23:59, such students will be randomly assigned to groups, and each of such groups will be randomly assigned to one of the available topics, and the topic presentation dates will also be randomly assigned. Please note that students that have enrolled in the course but have not yet joined a group and selected a topic by the deadline of Thursday September 26, 2019, 23:59, could also be randomly assigned/added to any existing group which previously had the minimum size of 4 students (so that it will result in a new group size of 5 instead of 4 students) and for which a topic and topic presentation date has previously already been assigned. Please note that the same groups for Assignment 1 (Topic Study) will also be used for completing Assignment 2 and Assignment 3, which are programming assignments. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ===== September 10, 2019 ===== York Information Technology (York IT) has set up a desk near the entrance to Steacie Library to help students with computer related questions. Students who have difficulty accessing the EECS 3221E course directory in order to download the course lecture notes should go to the York IT help desk and learn from them how to login to: "red.cse.yorku.ca" and once logged in to "red.cse.yorku.ca", how to change directory to: /cs/course/3221E as well as learn how to download material from there. ===== September 19, 2019 ===== Please note that EECS3221E Fall 2019 Assignment 1 (Topic Study): "3221E_F19_Assignment_1" has been posted in the course directory /cs/course/3221E on red.cse.yorku.ca This file will include a list of suggested topics that each student group may choose from, as well as the names of the students in each group who have committed to study the topic, write a report and do a class presentation on the topic. Each group is required to have a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students currently enrolled in the class. (Unfortunately, students who are on the waiting list cannot form a group with other students to reserve a topic.) Topics are "First-Come-First-Served". After organizing a group with the required number of students, each group may send by e-mail to the instructor the list of the student names in the group, and reserve one of the available topics. When reserving a topic, please indicate a first choice topic; a second choice topic; a third choice topic; ..., etc., in case the topics that your group is attempting to reserve have already been reserved by another group. Please note that only a whole group of a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students can reserve a topic. Please also note that the deadline for forming a group of a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students and reserving a topic is Thursday September 26, 2019, 23:59. Topics are to be presented in the same order of the time of reservation of the topics. No group is allowed to reserve any specific date that is different from the order of the time in which the topic was reserved. If a group is the nth group to reserve a topic, then that group will be required to present their reserved topic on the date that is allocated to the nth reserved topic (see the document /cs/course/3221E/3221E_F19_Assignment_1). For example, in the document /cs/course/3221E/3221E_F19_Assignment_1, it is shown that the 10th reserved topic must be presented on Tue. Nov. 5, 2019. For each presentation date, the topic title and the names of the students in the group will be listed. For all students that have enrolled in the course but have not yet joined a group and selected a topic by the deadline of Thursday September 26, 2019, 23:59, such students will be randomly assigned to groups, and each of such groups will be randomly assigned to one of the available topics, and the topic presentation dates will also be randomly assigned. Please note that students that have enrolled in the course but have not yet joined a group and selected a topic by the deadline of Thursday September 26, 2019, 23:59, could also be randomly assigned/added to any existing group which previously had the minimum size of 4 students (so that it will result in a new group size of 5 instead of 4 students) and for which a topic and topic presentation date has previously already been assigned. Please note that the same groups for Assignment 1 (Topic Study) will also be used for completing Assignment 2 and Assignment 3, which are programming assignments. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ===== September 27, 2019 ===== Please note that students that have enrolled in the course but had not yet joined a group and selected a topic by the deadline of Thursday September 26, 2019, 23:59, such students have now been randomly assigned to groups, and each of such groups have now been randomly assigned to one of the available topics, and the topic presentation dates have now also been randomly assigned. Please check the file "3221E_F19_Assignment_1.pdf" in the course directory /cs/course/3221E to find out which group you have been assigned to; which topic has been assigned to your group; and on which date your group must present the topic that has been assigned to your group. Please note that the same groups for Assignment 1 (Topic Study) will also be used for completing Assignment 2 and Assignment 3, which are programming assignments. ===== October 2, 2019 ===== The EECS 3221E Midterm Test will be held at the following time and location: Time: Thursday October 10, 2019, 16:00-17:30 Location: ACW 206 The Midterm Test will cover the following: a) Chapters 1-5, and Section 6.1 of Chapter 6, of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 10th Edition. b) All the slides in OS_ch1.pdf, OS_ch2.pdf, OS_ch3.pdf, OS_ch4.pdf, OS_ch5.pdf, slides 6.1 to 6.7 in OS_ch6.pdf, as well as all the material covered in the lectures up to and including the Thursday October 3, 2019 lecture. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes (some of the lecture notes will be updated before the Midterm Test). It is possible that the Midterm Test may include true/false questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats. - __**Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the Midterm Test, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the Midterm Test or any questions related to material that may be covered in the Midterm Test after the Thursday October 3, 2019 lecture**__, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the Midterm Test, please ask such questions during the Thursday October 3, 2019 lecture. Please also note that there will be no office hours for the course after the Thursday October 3, 2019 lecture and before the Thursday October 10, 2019 Midterm Test. Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to red.cse.yorku.ca, then typing the following command: courseInfo 3221E 2019-20 F (The above information was also previously announced in the September 5, 2019 Announcement, and will also be announced during the Thursday October 3, 2019 lecture). Please also note that EECS 3221E Fall 2019 Midterm Test Practice Questions (with answers) will be made available in the file “3221E_midterm_practice_questions_F19.pdf” in the course directory /cs/course/3221E on the Red machine at the end of the day on Thursday October 3, 2019. ===== October 3, 2019 ===== Please note that EECS 3221E Fall 2019 Midterm Test Practice Questions (with answers) has been made available in the file “3221E_midterm_practice_questions_F19.pdf” in the course directory /cs/course/3221E on the Red machine ===== October 9, 2019 ===== Please note the policy for missed exams has been posted in the EECS 3221 Section E Fall 2019 Expanded Course Description before the beginning of classes and can be found at: http://www.yorku.ca/eaasco/LE/2019f-leeecs3221e-03 **Missed Exams** If a student does not attend the EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Midterm Exam but is able to submit a valid official York University Registrar's Office Attending Physician's Statement https://registrar.yorku.ca/pdf/attending-physicians-statement.pdf which specifically states that the student's medical condition makes it impossible for the student to take the EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Midterm Exam, then the original percentage (35%) of the EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Midterm Exam in the final course grade, will be added to the original percentage (50%) of the EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Final Exam in the final course grade. This means that, for any student who does not attend the EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Midterm Exam but is able to provide a valid official York University Registrar's Office Attending Physician's Statement, the resulting new percentage of their EECS 3221 Winter 2019 Final Exam in the final course grade will be eighty five percent (35% + 50%) = 85%. Students who miss the EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Midterm Exam without submitting a valid official York University Registrar's Office Attending Physician's Statement, will receive a mark of zero for the EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Midterm Exam **Please note that there will be no makeup midterm exam.** ===== October 14, 2019 ===== Please note that, each member of each assigned group can contact other members of their group, by looking up the email addresses of the other members of their group in the file "3221E_Group_Email.pdf" in the course directory /cs/course/3221E on Red. ===== October 22, 2019 ===== Please note that EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Assignment 2 has been posted in the course directory /cs/course/3221E on red.cse.yorku.ca The due date of EECS 3221 Section E Assignment 2 is Tuesday November 12, 2019, 16:00. Please note that the same groups for Assignment 1 will also be used for completing Assignment 2 and Assignment 3. ===== October 31, 2019 ===== The EECS 3221 Section E Fall 2019 midterm test solutions have been posted in the course directory in the file "/cs/course/3221E/3221E_F19_midterm_solutions". Due to the large number of students in the course, the instructor will not answer individual email questions regarding the midterm test solutions. Any student who requests remarking of his/her midterm test after comparing his/her midterm test answers to the solutions posted in the course directory, must complete and sign the form in the course directory in the file "/cs/course/3221E/EECS3221_Request_for_Remarking.pdf", and submit this form together with his/her midterm test paper for remarking. Please note that if you request remarking of your midterm test, __your midterm test paper must not have been modified in any way__, and __ALL your answers to ALL the midterm test questions will be remarked__, and as a result, __after remarking, your final midterm test mark could either increase; not change; or decrease__. Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to red.cse.yorku.ca, then typing the following command: courseInfo 3221E 2019-20 F ===== November 6, 2019 ===== The due date of EECS 3221 Section E Assignment 2 is Tuesday November 12, 2019, 16:00. This due date will not be extended. Each assignment group should hand in one (1) hard copy of the assignment at the beginning of the class on Tuesday November 12, 2019, 16:00; and should also use the “submit” command to submit one (1) electronic copy of the assignment to the course directory /cs/course/3221E/submit/a1 on or before Tuesday November 12, 2019, 16:00. Use the command “man submit” to learn how to use the “submit” command. See "3. What to Hand In" in the file "3221E_F19_Assignment_2.pdf" in the course directory /cs/course/3221E. ===== November 12, 2019 ===== Please note that EECS 3221 Fall 2019 Assignment 3 has been posted in the course directory /cs/course/3221E on red.cse.yorku.ca The due date of EECS 3221 Section E Assignment 3 is Wednesday December 4, 2019, 23:59. This due date falls on the Last Day to Hand In Term Work according to York University Regulations, so this due date cannot be extended. Please note that the same groups for Assignment 1 and 2 will also be used for completing Assignment 3. ===== November 25, 2019 ===== The EECS 3221 section E Fall 2019 Final Exam will be held on: Date: Friday, December 6, 2019, 14:00; Location: TC AVIVA. The Final Exam will cover the following: a) Chapters 1-7, Chapters 9-10, of the textbook “Operating System Concepts” 10th Edition. b) The slides in OS-ch1.pdf, OS-ch2.pdf, OS-ch3.pdf, OS-ch4.pdf, OS-ch5.pdf, OS-ch6.pdf, OS-ch7.pdf, OS-ch9.pdf, OS-ch10.pdf, as well as all the material covered in all the lectures up to and including the Tuesday December 3, 2019 lecture. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes. It is possible that the Final Exam may include true/false questions, fill in the blank questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using pseudo C code similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats. - Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the midterm and final exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the midterm and final exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the final exam, please ask such questions during the lectures. Please note that course component marks, including the final exam marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to red.cse.yorku.ca, then typing the following command: courseInfo 3221E 2019-20 F ===== November 28, 2019 ===== Please note that no more EECS 3221E Fall 2019 Midterm Test remarking requests can be submitted. ===== December 3, 2019 ===== An assignment dropoff box labeled "EECS 3221E, J. Xu" has been set up in the Lassonde Building in the public area very close to the main EECS Department Office. The hard copies of both EECS 3221 Section E Assignment 1 and Assignment 3 should be submitted to the assignment dropoff box labeled "EECS 3221E, J. Xu". Note that in addition to hard copies, electronic copies of EECS 3221 Section E Assignment 1 and Assignment 3 should be submitted to the course directories /cs/course/3221E/a1, and /cs/course/3221E/a3, respectively. The due date of both EECS 3221 Section E Assignment 1 and Assignment 3 is Wednesday December 4, 2019, 23:59. This due date falls on the Last Day to Hand In Term Work according to York University Regulations, so this due date cannot be extended. ===== December 14, 2019 ===== For students who did not attend the EECS 3221 E F19 Final exam, please note that according to the York University Senate and EECS Department rules, the deadline to submit the completed and signed Attending Physician's Statement and the Deferred Standing Agreement forms to the EECS Undergraduate Office is within a week of the final exam (not counting holidays). Deferred exams for all EECS courses, including EECS 3221 E F19, will be administered by the EECS Office to take place at a date and location to be determined by the EECS Office. Please contact the EECS Office for inquiries regarding the exact date and location of the deferred exams for all EECS courses. Please note that course component marks, including the final exam and deferred final exam marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to red.cse.yorku.ca, then typing the following command: courseInfo 3221E 2019-20 F ===== December 28, 2019 ===== Please note that course component marks, including the final exam marks, can be accessed by logging in to red.cse.yorku.ca, then typing the following command: courseInfo 3221E 2019-20 F ===== January 24, 2020 ===== The EECS Undergraduate Office has recently informed students and faculty, that the EECS 3221 E Fall 2019 deferred exam will be held on: Date, Time and Location: January 30, 2020, 7 - 10pm, CLH A The course textbook chapters, slides, and lectures that will be covered, and the possible question formats in the EECS 3221 E Fall 2019 deferred exam, are the same set of course textbook chapters, slides, and lectures, and possible question formats that were specified in the announcement dated November 25, 2019, on the EECS 3221 E Fall 2019 course website https://wiki.eecs.yorku.ca/course_archive/2019-20/F/3221E/whats_new