Table of Contents


The course outline is a guideline to topics that will be discussed in the course, and when they will be discussed:

These materials are for students taking EECS 2021. Do not make and/or distribute illegal copies.

You can download all the publisher's lecture notes here

Week 1 (Sep 4th)

Lecture_0 Introduction (Incomplete → see lecture 1 for an updated version)

Week 2 (Sep 9th)

Lecture_1 Course Outline and ML Introduction

Lecture_2 ML classes, Classification, PLA

Week 3 (Sep 16th)

Lecture_3 Regression

Week 4 (Sep 23rd)

Week 5 (Sep 30th)

Week 5 (Sep 30th)

Week 6 (Oct 7th)

Week 7 (Oct 14th)


Midterm (Oct 21)

Drop Deadline

Nov 8th - Check departmental dates