====== Resources ====== ==== Websites ==== A large number of websites contain information of relevance to this course, including the following. * The [[http://www.eecs.yorku.ca/course_archive/2017-18/F/4422/home.html|4422/5323 Course Homepage]] provides information regarding matters particular to this course. * The [[http://www.cvr.yorku.ca|Center for Vision Research Homepage]] provides information about research in computer and biological vision that is done at York University (get involved)! * The [[http://www.visionscience.com/|Vision Science Homepage]] provides more general information about biological vision. ==== Books ==== Of the many books on computer vision and related topics, the following may be of particular use to students of this course (in addition to the course textbook). * V. Bruce, P. Green and M. Georgeson, Visual Perception: Physiology, Psychology and Ecology, Psychology Press, 1998. * R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart and D. G. Stork, Pattern Classification, Wiley-Interscience, 2001. * B. K. P. Horn, Robot Vision, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1996. * B. Jahne and H. Hausbecker (Eds.) Handbook of Computer Vision and Applications, Springer, Berlin, 2000. * J. Lim, Two-dimensional Signal and Image Processing, McGraw-Hill, NY, NY, 1995. * P. Wolf, Elements of Photogrammetry, Mcgraw-Hill, 2000. ==== Journals ==== Journals that regularly contain contributions from computer vision include the following. * IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence * International Journal of Computer Vision * Computer Vision and Image Understanding (and previous incarnations, e.g., CVGIP, etc.) * Image and Vision Computing * IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ==== Conferences ==== Conferences that regularly contain contributions from computer vision include the following (all of these conferences publish proceedings). * IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision * European Conference on Computer Vision * IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition * IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition * IEEE International Conference on Image Processing ==== Tools ==== === Programming === The recommended programming languages for use in this course are Python or C++. * [[https://opencv.org/|OpenCV]] provides a powerful open-source tool for computer vision development, and it is a good tool to gain experience with. There are many tutorials which can be found online showcasing the use of OpenCV. * Note that although Jupyter Notebooks are popular tools with a lot of advantages, they are problematic for code release (see [[https://conferences.oreilly.com/jupyter/jup-ny/public/schedule/detail/68282|Joel Grus' slides]] on the topic). Any projects developed in Python should be available outside of Jupyter Notebooks. === Writing === It is recommended that written reports for this course be prepared in LaTeX, which is a commonly used documentation preparation system in computer science. * For those new to LaTeX or who prefer a more graphical interface, [[https://www.lyx.org/|LyX]] can be a helpful and easy to use front-end.