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  • Weeks 1-2: A. Machine Learning (basic concepts); B. Math foundation: probabilities and statistics, Bayes theorem, Entropy, mutual information, decision tree, optimization, matrix factorization (Weekly Reading: W2) (A useful online manual on Matrix Calculus)
  • Week 3: Feature Extraction in Machine Learning: PCA, LDA, manifold learning (MDS, SNE, LLE, Isomap), data virtualization. (Weakly reading: a tutorial paper on PCA, a paper on ML).
  • Week 4: Bayesian Decision Rule: MAP decision rule; The Bayes Error; Statistical Data Modelling; Generative vs. Discriminative models
  • Week 5-6: Discriminative Models: Statistical Learning theory; Perceptron; Linear Regression; Minimum Classification Error; Support Vector Machines (SVM); Ridge Regression; LASSO; Compressed Sensing
  • Week 7: Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning: artificial neural networks (model structure and learning criteria); error back-propagation algorithm; fine-tuning tricks; Convolutional neural networks; Recurrent neural networks (Extra reading assignment: other gradient descent algorithms for deep learning).
  • Week 8: Generative Models and Parameter Estimations : generative models in general; maximum likelihood estimation; Bayesian Learning; Gaussian, logistic regression, Multinomial, Markov chains, GMM.
  • Week 9: Graphical models: Bayesian Networks vs Markov random fields; Conditional independence; Inference in graphical models; belief propagation; variational inference
lecture_notes.1566508310.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/22 21:11 by hj