====== LABS ====== ==== Lab 2 ==== Jan 16,17 Lab 2 {{:lab_2.pdf|here}} submit as submit 2032Z LAB2 file_name when the arguments are 2 3 1 5 the output is {{:out1.txt|out1.txt}} **Exercise DO NOT SUBMIT ** In problem two, the solutions x=a, y=b, z=a, w=b, or x=a, y=b, z=b, w=a is known as //trivial solution//, redo problem 2 in order **no**t to display trivial solutions ------------------------- ==== Lab 3 ==== Jan 23,24 here is {{:lab_3.pdf|lab 3}} I will be posting some input output and data files, but first you have to prepare some sample files yourself **Note** to enter as a command line argument a value that contain spaces you mustenclose it in double quotes "input with spaces" Here are some examples {{:names.txt|}} and {{:courses.txt|}} for the first run, run it as **//bash l3.sh -f "Mo Salah"//** The output is **//Mo Salah A//** **//should be EECS3311 A //** will leave submission open for 24 more hours Run it as **//bash l3.sh -c EECS2032//** The output is **//1//** **Test cases used in marking, check your code before asking for remarking ** {{:test_cases_lab3.txt|Test cases}} **Data Files** **names file** Abram Kelly 123456 Amirah Skinner 234567 Mitchell Rodgers 345678 Sofia Downs 456789 Damari Zimmerman 567890 Rashad Mitchell 678901 Adriana Hardy 789012 Avery Quinn 890123 Kayden Mcfarland 901234 River Roth 111111 Valentino Conley 222222 Rachel Carrillo 333333 Ariel Bryan 444444 Irene Ramsey 555555 Kassidy Doyle 666666 **Course File** 123456 EECS2032 A 234567 EECS2032 C 123456 EECS3201 111111 EECS3311 D 222222 EECS2200 567890 PHYS3050 B+ 890123 ECON1010 C+ -------------------------- ==== Lab 4 ==== Jan 30, 31 {{:lab_4.pdf|}} **Two test cases for part 1** {{:in1.txt|}} and {{:out1_lab4.txt|}} {{:in2.txt|}} and {{:out2.txt|}} **For part 2** {{:inc1.txt|}} and {{:outc1.txt|}} {{:inc2.txt|}} and {{:outc2.txt|}} **//Exercise//** DO NOT SUBMIT For part 1, your code probably doesn't deal well with empty lines, for example if there is an empty line, you will get an error message. modify your code to ignore empty lines **Test cases used in marking, check your code using these cases before asking for remarking** {{:test_cases_lab4.txt|Test cases}} -------------------------- ====Lab 5 ==== Feb 6,7 Here is {{:lab_5.pdf|}} -------------------------- ====Lab Test 1 (covering bash) ==== Feb 13,14 Here is the Model answer with the test cases for section A {{:model_a.txt|Model answer}} {{:dat.txt|Product.txt}} Section B Here is the model answer {{:model_b.txt|Model Answer_B}} product file {{:product.txt|product.txt}} -------------------------- ==== Lab 6 ==== Feb 27, 28 {{:lab_6.pdf|Lab 6}} Don't use any string functions in part 1. Do not include in part 1 **The submitted files will be checked for plagiarism** Please look at the Academic honesty tab on the left side of this page Here are lab 6 {{:lab_6_test_cases.txt|Test Cases and Output}} (**the last output in the file is not showing, it should be 1** ) check before you complain (some marks have changed, check ePost again) -------------------------- ==== Lab 7 ==== {{:lab_7.pdf|Lab 7}} here is an example of the text without checksum {{:tt.txt|}} and here is the text with the checksum {{:oo.txt|}} **I will continue to accept lab 7 till midnight Tuesday** March 5,6 run the first part on this file {{:dat_1.txt|dat.txt}} (name is as dat.txt you should get this file {{:result.txt|result.txt}} compare between these two files using diff (as binary) or od -c. Do not use an editor that will automatically add a new line to the end o the file. Then run the second part on result.txt, the final some should be oxFFFF. If you change any character in result.txt, you will get another number -------------------------- ==== Lab Test 2 Covering C ==== March 12,13 Here are some {{:practice.pdf|Practice Cprograms}} from previous years This lab test will cover C but **will not** include file operations and I/O ===== **Before asking for remarking** ===== use websubmit to get your code test it using these test cases (for sections A and B) {{:model_2a.txt|Model answer for section A}} {{:model_2b.txt|Model answer for section B}} The lab tests {{:lab_test_2_a_2032_w.pdf|Section A}} and {{:lab_test_2_b_2032_w.pdf|section B}} -------------------------- ==== Lab 8 ==== March 19,20 Here is {{:lab_8.pdf|LAB 8}} The situation is very fluid and changing rapidly, latest news are no in-site face-to-face classes. Stay tuned to what you should do We are using NXP FRDM KL-43Z [[https://www.digikey.ca/product-detail/en/nxp-usa-inc/FRDM-KL43Z/FRDM-KL43Z-ND/4988927]] ==== Reference materials ==== * {{:kl43_ref_man.pdf|Reference Manual}} * {{:frdm-kl43z_sch.pdf|FRDM KL43Z Schematic Diagrams}} * {{:frdmkl43zug.pdf|User Guide}} * {{:frdm-kl43z_qsg-1302866.pdf|FRDM KL43Z Quick Start Guide}} -------------------------- ==== Lab 9 ==== March 26,27 {{:lab_9.pdf|Lab 9}} **Lab 9 is one problem only, the second part is a leftover in the odt file from a previous lab** -------------------------- ==== Lab Test 3 Covering C and ==== April 1 class time (4:30-7:30) Here are some {{:practice_1.pdf|Pracice Questions}} in C Lab test 3 is here {{:labtest3.pdf|LT3}} **Test cases for Lab Test 3** {{:lab_3-test_cases.txt|here}} --------------------------