If you borrow a laptop from the lab monitor to work on your project during lecture (or at any other time), follow these steps to launch Eclipse from your EECS account: - Power on the laptop - Select CentOs Linux (or wait a couple of seconds) - Click OK and login to AirYork with your Passport York credentials - Make sure the eecs-vbox-common-lab virtual machine is selected, and press Start - Click on Applications -> Favorites -> Terminal - Type **''ssh -X -l red.eecs.yorku.ca''** replacing **''''** with your EECS account name. - Say yes if asked if you are sure you want to connect. - Enter your EECS password. - You are now logged in to your EECS account. You can type **''eclipse &''** to start working as if you are logged in on a desktop machine at the lab. When finished, follow these steps: - Exit Eclipse (don't forget to save) - Type exit to log out from your EECS account - Click on the top right corner and power off the virtual machine - Click on the top right corner again to power off the laptop