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proj [2019/01/09 15:31] bilproj [2020/03/03 22:48] (current) bil
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-**EECS 2311 Project**+====== EECS 2311 Project ======
 +====== EECS 2311 Project ======
 +Venn diagrams are a great way to present
 +relationships between sets of objects, such as
 +set intersection or set difference. They can be drawn in many different ways
 +We will develop a desktop app that can draw
 +**customizable Venn diagrams**. 
 +Precise requirements will be derived during the term.
 +====== New requirements added on February 26! ======
 +  - Your system must allow the users to select multiple objects at once in order to customize them, e.g. select all objects in the intersection, and increase their font size
 +  - Your system must also implement an Undo / Redo mechanism
 +====== Stakeholder requirements added on March 3! ======
 +  - Each element in the Venn diagram may have a longer description that is by default hidden, but the user must be able to display it
 +  - The app must support a mode where the user is asked to arrange a set of tags on the Venn diagram. Once finished, the user can compare their arrangement to a previously hidden correct answer
 TalkBox is a device that helps anybody, who is unable to talk, communicate. TalkBox is a device that helps anybody, who is unable to talk, communicate.
 Each TalkBox has a number of buttons that the user can press to play pre-recorded audio files. Each TalkBox has a number of buttons that the user can press to play pre-recorded audio files.
 Some of the buttons on the TalkBox may be used to load different sets of audio files. Some of the buttons on the TalkBox may be used to load different sets of audio files.
 We will develop two pieces of software to help family members configure a TalkBox device with audio appropriate for their situation. We will develop two pieces of software to help family members configure a TalkBox device with audio appropriate for their situation.
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-The TalkBox Configuration app and the TalkBox simulator will communicate through the use of a TalkBoxConfiguration object that will be serialized in the USB flash drive +The TalkBox Configuration app and the TalkBox simulator will communicate through the use of a TalkBoxConfiguration object that will be serialized 
-The API for the TalkBoxConfiguration class will be provided+
-<html><!--+**Important Requirement**: Your code must serialize and deserialize an object that implements the [[|TalkBoxConfiguration]] interface.
-  To be posted.+The TalkBox Configuration app must create a directory called TalkBoxData that contains the serialized object (extension must be .tbc) and the audio files. It can then launch the TalkBox Simulator and provide the path to the TalkBoxData directory as a runtime argument
 +**New requirements added on March 6**
 +**New Simulator requirement**: If the user presses a button while an audio is playing, that audio stops before the audio corresponding to the button starts
 +You may have to look into naming, searching for, and stopping threads
-Treasure Box Braille (TBB) is a device that helps kids learn how to read Braille. +**Second new requirement**: Your system must log all actions the user takes in both apps
-TBB presents Braille characters/words to the user who then responds by pressing buttons. +
-Educators can load different scenarios to teach different letters and keep the kids entertained.+
-We will write a piece of software to help educators create these scenariosWe will call it the Authoring App. The Authoring app will provide facilities to  +What buttons they press, what menu options they select etc.
-  * Create the flow of the scenario (ask questions, receive answers) +
-  * Record audio +
-  * Save the scenario in the appropriate format +
-  * Test the scenario using the provided software+
-**Important requirement**: The Authoring App must be usable by visually-impaired users +The Configuration app must have a way to visualize the Simulator logs
-Since there are not enough TBBs for each group (and also because they are expensive and hard to replace), we provide software that simulates the TBB. +This will allow the caretaker to optimize the configuration 
-This way, as an educator is preparing a scenario with your authoring app, they can try it out to see if it works. See the Week 1 slides (click on Course Outline) for instructions on how to get the starter software.+
-The starter software contains example scenarios that you can run to get feel for what this system does.+You must also create **third app**, called TBCLog, that visualizes the Configuration app logs 
-{{:startersoftwaredesign.pdf|Click here}} for a UML diagram of the starter software.+The purpose of this app is for the research team to determine how users use the Configuration app
-{{:scenarioformat.pdf|Click here}} for a description of the file format for scenarios. 
-**New requirement (added on Feb 27, 2018)** 
-Your system must log all actions the user takes and keep count of how many times each feature is accessed 
-Based on the log data, add keyboard shortcuts to the most frequently used features. Such features should be easy to access with a mouse as well+  To be posted.
 --></html> --></html>
proj.1547047900.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/09 15:31 by bil

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