package search; import gov.nasa.jpf.Config; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Records the notifications of a search as a serialized list of strings. * If any notification follows the searchFinished notification, then * an error is reported. * * @author Franck van Breugel */ public class SearchNotificationRecorder implements SearchListener { private List recording; // notifications private boolean finished; // has finish been notified private String fileName; // name of file containing serialization /** * Initializes this notification recorder. * * @exception FileNotFoundException if file for serialization could * not be set up */ public SearchNotificationRecorder(Config config) { this.recording = new ArrayList(); this.finished = false; this.fileName = config.getString("recorder.file", "tmp.ser"); } /** * When the search starts, report its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void searchStarted(Search search) { this.recording.add("started in state " + search.getStateId()); this.checkFinished(); } /** * Whenever the search is probed, report its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void searchProbed(Search search) { this.recording.add("probed in state " + search.getStateId()); this.checkFinished(); } /** * When the search finishes, report its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void searchFinished(Search search) { this.recording.add("finished in state " + search.getStateId()); this.finished = true; this.serialize(); } /** * Whenever the search advanced to a new state, report its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void stateAdvanced(Search search) { this.recording.add("advanced to state " + search.getStateId()); this.checkFinished(); } /** * Whenever the search backtracks, report its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void stateBacktracked(Search search) { this.recording.add("backtracked to state " + search.getStateId()); this.checkFinished(); } /** * Whenever the search has fully processed a state, report its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void stateProcessed(Search search) { this.recording.add("processed state " + search.getStateId()); this.checkFinished(); } /** * Whenever the search stores a state, report its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void stateStored(Search search) { this.recording.add("stored state " + search.getStateId()); this.checkFinished(); } /** * Whenever the search stores a state, report its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void stateRestored(Search search) { this.recording.add("restored state " + search.getStateId()); this.checkFinished(); } /** * Whenever the search restores a state, report its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void statePurged(Search search) { this.recording.add("purged state " + search.getStateId()); this.checkFinished(); } /** * Whenever the search observes the violation of a property, report * its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void propertyViolated(Search search) { String error = search.getCurrentError().getProperty().toString(); // remove trailing @... int index = error.indexOf("@"); if (index >= 0) { error = error.substring(0, index); } this.recording.add("violated property " + error); this.checkFinished(); } /** * Whenever the search observes that a constraint is violated, report * its notification. * * @param search JPF's search */ public void searchConstraintHit(Search search) { this.recording.add("hit constraint " + search.getLastSearchConstraint()); this.checkFinished(); } /** * Prints an error message whenever searchFinished is not the last * notification of the search. */ private void checkFinished() { if (this.finished) { System.out.println("searchFinished is not the last notification of the search"); this.serialize(); } } /** * Serializes the recording. */ private void serialize() { try { FileOutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(this.fileName); ObjectOutputStream stream = new ObjectOutputStream(output); stream.writeObject(this.recording); stream.close(); output.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("SearchNotificationRecorder failed"); } } }