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Course Announcements

January 11, 2021

Start of classes for EECS 2011 Winter 2021.

Please note that all announcements regarding important EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 course information will be posted on the EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 course eClass site in the file titled “2011 N W21 Announcements”, and that all students enrolled in EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 are required to regularly and frequently read the most up-to-date information that is posted on the EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 course eClass site in the file titled “2011 N W21 Announcements”.

Lecture notes will be posted on the EECS2011N W21 eClass site.

Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 2011N 2020-21 W

Please note that the expanded course outline for this course is posted on the EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 course eClass site in the file titled “EXPANDED_COURSE_OUTLINE_EECS_2011E_WINTER_2021.”

Assignment 2 and Assignment 3 will be completed by students in groups, where each group is required to have a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students currently enrolled in the class. (Unfortunately, students who are on the waiting list cannot form a group with other students.)

After organizing a group with the required number of students, each group may send by e-mail to the instructor the list of the student names in the group.

Please also note that the deadline for forming a group of a minimum of 4, up to a maximum of 5 students is Monday January 25, 2021, 23:59.

For all students that have enrolled in the course but have not yet joined a group by the deadline of January 25, 2021, 23:59, such students will be randomly assigned to groups. Please note that students that have enrolled in the course but have not yet joined a group by the deadline of January 25, 2021, 23:59, could also be randomly assigned/added to any existing group which previously had the minimum size of 4 students (so that it will result in a new group size of 5 instead of 4 students).

Please note that the same groups will be used for completing Assignment 2 and Assignment 3.

Please note that Assignment 1 is individual work and not performed in groups.

You are required to hand in electronic copies of all assignments to the EECS2011N W21 eClass site.

Note also that answers to frequently asked questions regarding course material and assignments will be posted on the EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 course eClass site in a file titled “2011 N W21 FAQ”, and that all students enrolled in EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 are required to regularly and frequently read the most up-to-date information that is posted on the EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 course eClass site in the file titled “2011 N W21 FAQ”.

January 13, 2021

The Expanded Course Outline for EECS2011 Section N Winter 2021 has been revised to include the following:

Important Notes

This course may use online proctoring for examinations. The instructor may use an online proctoring service to deliver the exam(s), which would be administered through the Learning Management System (e.g. Moodle, Canvas, etc.). Students are required to have access to minimum technology requirements to complete examinations, such as a computer with a functional webcam. If an online proctoring service is used, the specific technology requirements, and details about the online proctoring service, will be made available before the exam, and students will need to become familiar with it at least five days before the exam.

January 20, 2021

After organizing a group with the required number of students, each group may send by e-mail to the instructor the list of the student names in the group. In the e-mail please also CC all members of the group when sending the instructor the list of the student names in the group, so that all members will be notified that each of them belong to the group.

January 27, 2021

Please note that EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 Assignment 1 is now available on eClass. The due date of Assignment 1 is Sunday February 28, 2021, 23:59. Please note that this assignment must be completed independently by each student.

March 1, 2021

Please note that EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 Assignment 2 is now available on eClass. The due date of Assignment 2 is Sunday March 21, 2021, 23:59. Please note that this assignment should be completed by the assigned groups.

March 8, 2021

On Monday March 1, an email was sent to the York official email address ( of every student who previously had not been assigned to a group, informing each such student of the members of their assigned group, and the email addresses of the members of their assigned group.

Please note that for all York course matters, every student is required to ONLY use his or her York official email address.

Every student must regularly check his or her York official email, since email regarding course matters will always ONLY be sent there.

March 8, 2021

Please note that for Assignment 2 and Assignment 3, each student is required to keep copies of any email correspondence with other members of his or her group regarding any contribution each student has made to to his or her group's Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 work.

Please note that each student may be required to provide the copies of such email as evidence that the student has made a contribution to his or her group's Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 work.

Please note that, for Assignment 2 and Assignment 3, if a student is unable to provide such evidence, then that student may not receive any course credit for that assignment.

March 24, 2021

Please note that EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 Assignment 3 is now available on eClass. Please also note that the due date of this assignment, Tuesday April 13, 2021, falls on the Last Day to Hand In Term Work according to the University Regulations. Thus it will not be possible to postpone the due date of this assignment. So please plan carefully in advance in order to make sure that you will be able to complete this assignment before the posted due date. Please note that this assignment should be completed in the assigned groups.

April 5, 2021

Please note that the EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 Final Exam will be held on:

Date and Time: Sunday, April 25, 2021, 9:05

Duration: 180 mins

The EECS 2011 Section N W21 Final Exam will cover the following:

a) Chapters 1 - 12 and Chapter 14 of the textbook “Data Structures and Algorithms in Java” 6th Edition.

b) Chapter 11, Design by Contract: building reliable software, in the book authored by Bertrand Meyer, “Object-oriented software construction,” Prentice Hall, 1997. (A copy of Chapter 11 of Bertrand Meyer’s book above can be found in the course directory: /cs/course/2011E/Design_by_Contract.pdf)

c) All the slides in DS.1.pdf, DS_2.pdf, DS.3.pdf, DS.4.pdf, DS.4_part2.pdf, DS.4.part3.pdf, DS.5.pdf, DS.6.pdf, DS.7.pdf, DS.8.pdf, DS.9.pdf, DS.10.pdf, DS.11.pdf, DS.12.pdf, DS.14.pdf - as well as all the material covered in the lectures from the beginning of the course up to and including the Wednesday April 7, 2021 lecture. Please make sure that you have the most up-to-date version of the lecture notes.

It is possible that the EECS 2011 Section N W21 Final Exam may include true/false questions, questions that require short answers, questions that require calculations, questions that may require the drawing of diagrams, questions that require slightly longer answers, questions that may require the writing of short programs using Java code or pseudocode similar to that used throughout the textbook, and other possible question formats.

- Please note that, in order to make sure that everyone in the class gets exactly the same information regarding the final exam, the instructor will not answer individual e-mail questions regarding what will be on and what will not be on the final exam, because that would not be fair to those students who do not receive such information. - If you have any questions related to the final exam, please ask such questions during the lectures.

Please note that course component marks, when available, can be accessed by logging in to, then typing the following command:

courseInfo 2011N 2020-21 W

April 5, 2021

EECS 2011 Section N Winter 2021 Final Exam instructions

1. On Sunday April 25 at 8:50, the instructor will make files containing the exam questions named “2011N_W21_Exam_Version_N.pdf” available in 2011N W21 eClass assignment folder named “2011N W21 Final Exam”, where:

The exam version “N” is a combination of:

(a) The FIRST 2 LETTERS in each student's LAST NAME;

(b) The LAST 3 DIGITS in each student's STUDENT NUMBER.

For example:

If your last name is “Smith”, and your student number is “123456789”, then your exam version “N” will be: “Sm789”

and you will be required to answer the questions in the file named:


in the 2011N W21 eClass assignment folder named “2011N W21 Final Exam”.

2. On Sunday April 25, 2021, on or after 8:50, you are required to download the particular version of the exam question file “2011N_W21_Exam_Version_N.pdf” that has been assigned to you, from the 2011N W21 eClass assignment folder named “2011N W21 Final Exam”.

3. After completing the exam, you are required to submit a file named “Student_Name_Student_Number_Exam_Answer_Version_N.pdf” containing your exam answers to the 2011N W21 eClass assignment folder named “2011N W21 Final Exam”, where in the submitted file name, “Student_Name” is your name; “Student_Number” is your York student number; and “N” is the version number of the particular exam question file that has been assigned to you.

For example: “John_Smith_123456789_Exam_Answer_Version_Sm789.pdf”

4. The deadline for submitting your file named “Student_Name_Student_Number_Exam_Answer_Version_N.pdf” containing your exam answers to the 2011N W21 eClass assignment folder named “2011N W21 Final Exam”, is Sunday April 25, 2021, 12:05.

April 5, 2021

Please note that:

1. Although the EECS 2011 section N Winter 2021 Final Exam will not be a proctored exam, please note that:

a) No collaboration between any student and any other person during the exam is allowed.

b) The EECS 2011 section N Winter 2021 Final Exam is NOT an open book exam.

c) Students are NOT allowed to use any aids or resources, for example, textbooks, study notes, Internet resources, etc., during the exam.

d) The York University Senate Policy on Academic Honesty will be strictly enforced and any suspected breaches during the exam will be rigorously prosecuted.

e) When submitting exam answers, each student will be required to sign the following Statement Required for all Lassonde School of Engineering Students When Submitting Course Work:

“I hereby confirm that this (exam/quiz/assignment) represents my own work. I confirm that it has been completed in adherence to the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty, without unapproved collaboration or the use of unpermitted aids or resources. I recognize the importance of academic integrity and understand that there is no tolerance towards academic dishonesty within the Lassonde School of Engineering. I am aware that any suspected breaches will be reported to the Academic Honesty unit within the Student Welcome and Support Centre, and may result in additional penalties in accordance with the Academic Honesty Policy”

2. Examples of some of the possible types and formats of final exam questions will be posted on eClass in the file “2011N W21 Sample Questions” on Monday April 12.

3. The last 2011N W21 class will be held on Wednesday April 7, 2021. (The York Registrar Office has announced that, “Notes 4. The Winter classes end on April 12 which will be a make-up Friday for Good Friday on April 2. The final Monday meet will be held on April 5”. There will be no more office hours after Wednesday April 7, 2021.

whats_new.1617647978.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/05 18:39 by jxu

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