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labs [2021/11/10 04:27] aboelazelabs [2021/11/25 20:56] aboelaze
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== LAB 0 ====== 
-On Eclass 
-====== LAB 1 ====== 
-here {{:lab_1.pdf|LAB 1}}  Due date: Wednesday Sept  22 midnight question 2 submit as 
-====== LAB 2 ====== 
-Here is {{:lab_2.pdf|LAB 2}} Due Wednesday, Sept. 29 
-=== test cases ==== 
-**Problem 1**, you have to make your test cases, because it depend son what files in your directory  
-**Problem 2** here are the input/output cases 
-Test case 1 {{:in2_2a.txt|input }}. {{:out2_2a.txt|output}} 
-Test case 2 {{:in2_2b.txt|input }}  {{:out2_2b.txt|output}} 
-Test case 3 {{:in2_2c.txt|input}}.  {{:out2_2c.txt|out}} 
-Test case 4 {{:in2_2d.txt|input}}. {{:out2_2d.txt|output}} 
-Test case 5 {{:in2_2e.txt|input }}. {{:out2_2e.txt|output}} 
-**Problem 3** 
-testcase 1 {{:testcase2_3a.txt|case 1}} 
-testcase 2 {{:testcase2_3b.txt|case 2}} 
-testcase 3 {{:testcase2_3c.txt|case 3}} 
-====== LAB 3 ====== 
-Here is {{:lab_3.pdf|LAB 3}} Due Wednesday, Oct . 6 
-====== LAB 4 ====== 
-Lab 4 is here {{:lab_4.pdf|LAB 4}} 
-This lab is due the first Wednesday after reading week.  (Oct 20) 
-Here is an example of Courses.txt {{:courses.txt|Courses.txt}} 
-====== TEST 1 ====== 
-{{:labtest1.pdf|TEST 1}} 
-====== LAB 5 ====== 
-Lab 5 is here {{:lab_5.pdf|LAB 5}} 
-====== LAB 6 ====== 
-Here is {{:lab6.pdf|LAB 6}}. due Friday Nov 5 midnight 
-====== LAB 7 ====== 
-Here is {{:lab7.pdf|LAB 7}} due Friday Nov 19 midnight 
-**Test case** 
-The file is actually a binary file (system will not let me upload any files with the bin extension). Rename it to .bin if you want. 
-The file contains 2 records 
-AAJack 12 1.5 (the output format is meant for information only, not necessarily the required format of the output) 
-AAJohn 16 4.0 
-The second record is encrypted, the first is not 
 ====== LAB 8 ====== ====== LAB 8 ======
 +here is **{{:lab_8.pdf|LAB 8}}**
 +  * {{:user.pdf|Board User Manual}}
 +  * {{:sch_lpcxpresso802_ver_a.pdf|Schematic diagram}}
 +  * {{:nxp_lpc802_um11045.pdf|UM11045 LPC 892 user Manual}}
-====== LAB 9 ====== +Here is an example {{:ex1_intro.c|here}}. Take a look at it. It contains all the major steps 
- +  * The files to include (That will be set up by the tool 
- +  * Initializing the ports (connecting the clock to the ports 
- +  * setting the port direction 
- +  * reading and writing from the port
- +
-====== LAB 10 ====== +
- +
- +
- +
 +Then, you have to add the logic yourself
 +**Due** Nov 26
labs.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/18 22:13 by aboelaze

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