If you borrow a laptop from the lab monitor to work on your project during lecture (or at any other time), follow these steps to launch Eclipse from your EECS account:
Power on the laptop
Select CentOs Linux (or wait a couple of seconds)
Click OK and login to AirYork with your Passport York credentials
Make sure the eecs-vbox-common-lab virtual machine is selected, and press Start
Click on Applications → Favorites → Terminal
ssh -X -l <uname> red.eecs.yorku.ca
with your
EECS account name.
Say yes if asked if you are sure you want to connect.
Enter your
EECS password.
You are now logged in to your
EECS account. You can type
eclipse &
to start working as if you are logged in on a desktop machine at the lab.
When finished, follow these steps:
Exit Eclipse (don't forget to save)
Type exit to log out from your
EECS account
Click on the top right corner and power off the virtual machine
Click on the top right corner again to power off the laptop