
A piece of software that simulates the behaviour of the hardware device

Has a user interface similar to that of the device

Is fully tested to behave as the hardware device

Presents an API that the rest of the system will use to communicate with it

Simulator API

The most critical part of the Simulator is the API it will present to the Player and Authoring app

This API must be able to be duplicated by the hardware device (its firmware will include a firmware wrapper)

API must be described in detail with Javadoc

The best simulator API from all submissions will be chosen going forward

Simulator Submission Details

Rubric posted under Evaluation Four grade components

  1. Requirements document
  2. Testing document
  3. Simulator API
  4. Implementation

Simulator Submission Process

1. Create a .zip or .jar that contains the following:

2. Email the zip file to by 11:59pm on Feb 7

3. Each student must also send me a private email with an assessment of their teammates’ contributions