====== Oral Presentation Schedule====== ====== EECS 4080/4480 Project Presentation Videos (April 2022) ====== ^ Name ^ Email ^ Project title and Video ^Supervisor ^ | Danielle Erin Abila |erin99@my.yorku.ca | Sherlock Name Screening ([[https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ALppHvjuWdcB34c&cid=77690C7BF446BB6C&id=77690C7BF446BB6C%2174955&parId=77690C7BF446BB6C%2173295&o=OneUp|Video]]) | Uyen Trang Nguyen| | Philip Cappello and Hassan Khan | phil81@my.yorku.ca, hassanjk@my.yorku.ca| Sentiment Analysis for Bitcoin Price Movement Prediction ([[https://echo360.ca/media/7d927829-be33-4059-9d68-3412334147c8/public|Video]])| Aijun An | | KaiXuan Chin |xuan98@my.yorku.ca | Online Platform for Multilingual Social Media Mining ([[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zIFpja2iDgunETAsbkM1uM7B5qW3UJCR/view?usp=sharing|video]]) |Manos Papagelis| | Yonatan Fihrer | ynf@my.yorku.ca | The Scriptable Render Pipeline in Unity | Richard Murray | | Ibrahim Abdul Hammed |iabdul@my.yorku.ca| Avatars in augmented reality ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Bveu7y1SQs|Video]]) | Richard Murray | | Tarik Mohammad | tarikmoh@my.yorku.ca | Automation of Copyright Takedowns ([[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wLQb2U0aYLSeUH7QfVhPGdj2RdZakoxN/view|Video]])| Saed Alrabaee | | Sheida Nasouri |sheidana@my.yorku.ca | Automating System ([[https://drive.google.com/file/d/11lfP4k4-HxvPm4mhYduP-cDdXuEKrGIj/view|Video]])| Marzieh Ahmadzadeh | | Bader Othman | badero@my.yorku.ca | Vulnerability Testing of MQTT Brokers using Mutation-Based Packet Fuzzing ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeYyi_IEoSM|Video]])| Natalija Vlajic | | Yuyu Ren| renyuyu@my.yorku.ca | Assurance of systematic mapping studies in software engineering ([[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xR77rj2liY0|Video]])| Alvine Boaye Belle | | Jingya Su |jingyasu@my.yorku.ca | Towards Understanding the Testing Practice of Python Libraries in the Wild ([[https://youtu.be/VvE7Hz84pos|Video]]) | Song Wang | |Alan Tang | alanyork@my.yorku.ca | MQTT Authentication Using TLS Client Certificates: Pros, Cons, and Real-World Prevalence ([[https://youtu.be/h7I_Kmqq-wU|Video]]) | Natalija Vlajic | | Zhifeng Yao | zhifeng7@my.yorku.ca | Towards Building Machine Learning based Prediction Models For Software Security Vulnerabilities ([[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mTHUtQ54UVd81J74ylsEIhK-wmHzH1Ol/view?usp=sharing|Video]]) | Song Wang | /* | Ariel Feygin |Afeygin@my.yorku.ca| Machine learning models for predicting elections results in parliamentary democracies with proportional representation | Suprakash Datta| */