====== Mapping network drive via SSH for Windows ====== ===== SSHFS Windows ===== === Requirements: === * Download and install the latest version of WinFsp ยท Windows File System Proxy https://github.com/billziss-gh/winfsp/releases/latest * Download and install the latest version of SSHFS For Windows https://github.com/billziss-gh/sshfs-win/releases/latest ==== Basic Usage ==== Once you have installed WinFsp and SSHFS-Win you can map a network drive to a directory on an SSH host using Windows Explorer. === Mapping your home directory via Windows Explorer === In Windows Explorer select **This PC** > **Map Network Drive** and enter the desired drive letter and SSHFS path using the following UNC syntax: \\sshfs\REMUSER@indigo.eecs.yorku.ca For example \\sshfs\paulg@indigo.eecs.yorku.ca The first time you map a particular SSHFS path you will be prompted for the SSHFS username and password. You may choose to save these credentials with the Windows Credential Manager in which case you will not be prompted again. In order to unmap the drive, right-click on the drive icon in Windows Explorer and select Disconnect. * The ''sshfs'' prefix maps to ''HOST:~REMUSER/PATH'' on the SSHFS host (i.e. relative to ''REMUSER'''s home directory). * The ''sshfs.r'' prefix maps to ''HOST:/PATH'' on the SSHFS host (i.e. relative to the ''HOST'''s root directory). === More Examples === * Mapping www from indigo use \\sshfs\REMUSER@indigo.eecs.yorku.ca\www * Mapping share from indigo use \\sshfs.r\REMUSER@indigo.eecs.yorku.ca\eecs\dept\share * Mapping www from indigo - command line C:\Users\Administrator>net use w: \\sshfs\REMUSER@indigo.eecs.yorku.ca\www The password is invalid for \\sshfs\REMUSER@indigo.eecs.yorku.ca\www. Enter the user name for 'sshfs': REMUSER Enter the password for sshfs: The command completed successfully. * Mapping share from indigo - command line C:\Users\Administrator>net use w: \\sshfs.r\REMUSER@indigo.eecs.yorku.ca\eecs\dept\share The password is invalid for \\sshfs.r\REMUSER@indigo.eecs.yorku.ca\eecs\dept\share. Enter the user name for 'sshfs.r': REMUSER Enter the password for sshfs.r: The command completed successfully. === Resolving permission issues when files/folders created using sshfs === When a user uses sshfs and creates a file/folder on the server the default permission will be: -rwx------ 1 namtran tech 0 Dec 18 10:37 test1.txt This is okay for home directory but for shared files/foldres you want group to also have access, so you need to modify the registry to change the umask: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\WinFsp\Services\sshfs.r] CommandLine value: svc %1 %2 %U -o create_dir_umask=007 -o create_file_umask=117 Now when you create a file/folder, the permissions will be: -rw-rw---- 1 namtran tech 0 Dec 18 10:36 test2.txt