====== E-Mail ====== * [[.:relay:]] * [[.:forward:]] * [[.:filter:]] * [[.:webmail:]] * [[.:vacation:]] * [[.:bigattach:]] * [[.:mail-transfer-o365:]] ===== Useful email client setup info ====== ===EECS=== Incoming Mail server: Type: IMAP Username: Server: mail.eecs.yorku.ca Use SSL: Yes Type of encrypted connection: SSL/TLS (if option is shown) Authentication: Password Port: 993 Outcoming Mail server: Username: Server: mail.eecs.yorku.ca Use SSL: Yes Type of encrypted connection: STARTTLS (if option is shown) Authentication: Password Port: 587 ===YORKU=== https://yuoffice.info.yorku.ca/accessing-outlook/#squelch-taas-tab-content-0-3 *FAQ for @YORKU.CA: https://yuoffice.yorku.ca/faqs/