===== Submit Directory Setup ===== The submit command allows students to submit their labtest work for marking. However, its setup for labtest mode differs slightly from the standard submit setup. In order to setup lab submission for labtest, you must complete the following two steps: 1. Create and set permissions on a "submit" directory in your course directory: mkdir /eecs/course/9999/submit chmod 755 /eecs/course/9999/submit 2. Create a lab submission directory inside the "submit" directory and set permissions accordingly: mkdir /eecs/course/9999/submit/lab1 chmod 770 /eecs/course/9999/submit/lab1 chgrp labtest /eecs/course/9999/submit/lab1 The most important point on this page is that the submit directory must be group "labtest" and not group "submit". Students can submit their work like this: submit 9999 lab1 -OR- submit 9999 lab1 ==== submit for Deferred Tests ==== The submit command will only submit files to the current session and term course directories. submit always submits to /eecs/course. If you wish to hold a deferred test/exam in say, the summer term for a winter course, you will need to create a temporary symbolic link in /eecs/course as follows: cd /eecs/course ln -s /eecs/dept/course_archive/2016-17/W/9999 9999d Now students can submit, but rather than using "9999" as the course name, they will use "9999d". For example: submit 9999d lab1 myfile.java