====== Projectors ====== The following projectors are available: ^ Location ^ Type ^ Native Resolution ^ Control ^ Connectivity ^ Lab PC ^ | LAS1002A | Epson PowerLite 1985WU | 1920 x 1200 | Network | VGA, HDMI, Intel WiDi | Yes | | LAS1002B | Epson PowerLite 1985WU | 1920 x 1200 | Network | VGA, HDMI, Intel WiDi, Solstice Pod | No | | LAS3033 | Sharp NoteVision XG-C50X | 1024 x 768 | Manual | VGA | Yes | ===== LAS1002A ===== To use this projector, faculty, grads, and staff can login with their EECS credentials here: https://webapp.eecs.yorku.ca/pcontrol/p1002a To power on the projector, click the "Power On" button. By default, the projector will display the "Lab PC" input. The Lab PC is located on the red cart at the front of the room. You can connect your own laptop to the VGA port or HDMI port on the wall at the front of the room, then click the "VGA Laptop" button in the web interface. Your laptop will be displayed on the projector. You may switch back and forth between "Lab PC" and "VGA Laptop" by pressing the corresponding buttons in the web interface. If you have a Windows laptop or some other device that supports Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) protocol, then you can optionally use that function to wirelessly display your device on the projector. First, install the Intel WiDi software on your device. Next, select the projectors WiDi input by pressing the "Wireless Display (WiDi)" button in the projector web interface. The projector will display its name (P1002B). Start your Intel WiDi client. The projector name should appear in the list of available projectors. Select the projector, enter the PIN that is displayed on the projector screen, and your device should be connected to the display. For more information on Intel WiDi, please see [[http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/widi-how-to-use.html|here]]. When you're finished with the projector, please click the "Power Off" button in the web interface. The projector will be powered off. The projector will take some time to power off, but you can exit the web interface right away. ===== LAS1002B ===== To use this projector, faculty, grads, and staff can login with their EECS credentials here: https://webapp.eecs.yorku.ca/pcontrol/p1002b To power on the projector, click the "Power On" button. By default, the projector will display the "Solstice Pod" input. For more information on the Solstice Pod, please see [[#Solstice Pod|below]]. You can connect your own laptop to either the VGA port or HDMI port at the front of the room. Click the "VGA Laptop" button in the web interface to display the device connected to the VGA port. Click the "HDMI Laptop" button in the web interface to display the device connected to the HDMI port. If you have a Windows laptop or some other device that supports Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) protocol, then you can optionally use that function to wirelessly display your device on the projector. First, install the Intel WiDi software on your device. Next, select the projectors WiDi input by pressing the "Wireless Display (WiDi)" button in the projector web interface. The projector will display its name (P1002B). Start your Intel WiDi client. The projector name should appear in the list of available projectors. Select the projector, enter the PIN that is displayed on the projector screen, and your device should be connected to the display. For more information on Intel WiDi, please see [[http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/widi-how-to-use.html|here]. When you're finished with the projector, please click the "Power Off" button in the web interface. The projector will be powered off. Please note that this location does **not** have an integrated lab PC. Please use a laptop. ===== LAS3033 ===== Use the remote control to power on and off the projector. A room PC is available. Use your EECS credentials to login. If you do not have an EECS account, please see tech staff for a guest username and password. You can connect your laptop to the projector with a VGA cable. To do this, you must disconnect the VGA cable coming from the room PC from the cable that is going to the VGA port on the wall. You can then connect your own laptop via VGA cable to the same cable. After you're finished with your session, please ensure that you reconnect the room PC VGA cable back up to the projector. If you have any questions, please mail tech. ===== Solstice Pod ===== The Solstice Pod is a "software-based collaboration solution integrated on an Android hardware platform purpose-built for wireless media streaming. The small form-factor Pod connects to the display in the room, enabling multiple users to instantly connect, share and control content on the display, facilitating presentations, collaboration and decision-making." When you view the "Solstice Pod" input on a projector, you will see the IP address of the Solstice Pod that is connected to the projector. For example, in LAS1002b, the Solstice Pod IP address is To connect to the pod the first time, visit the IP address in your web browser (eg. The button in the middle of the screen will allow you to download the Solstice Client software. You can also press the "Browser Look-In" button at the bottom of the screen to view the projector display via the web. After downloading and installing the Solstice Client, start the client. If this is the first time you are starting the client, you will be prompted for your name. On subsequent sessions, the Solstice Client will remember your name, and you won't be prompted for it. Next, click on the "Enter IP" tab. Enter the IP address of the pod (eg., then click "Go >". Note that on subsequent sessions, the name of the Solstice Pod that you've entered will appear in the "Discovered Displays" tab on the Solstice Client, and you will be able to connect to that pod just by clicking the pod name (eg. SOLPOD-LAS-1002B). When you connect to a pod, you will have the option to "Connect as a GUEST" or "Connect as a HOST". The HOST is the person, or people who are in complete control of the projected display. A HOST can display their own screen on the projector, another HOSTs screen, or the screen of a guest that has requested their screen be displayed. Multiple HOSTs can connect to the pod at the same time, and control the presentation. Multiple guests can also connect to the pod. Each guest connection must be approved by a "Host". Guests can submit their display to be shared, but only HOSTs can choose to accept or deny the request. To connect as "Host", enter the password (which you get from tech), then click "OK". In the sidebar, you have two options: "Share" and "Control". Choose "Share" to share your whole desktop, a particular application window ("App Window"), or, a media file. When you select "App Window", move the mouse pointer over the application window that you wish to share, and click on it. Select "Control" to choose which users screen is displayed. If multiple hosts and guests share their display, then any HOST can choose which display is presented on the projector. When a guest user attempts to connect to the pod, a new option will appear in the Solstice Client sidebar called "Alerts". When you click on the Alerts, you will see the name of the guests that wish to connect, and you can choose to approve or reject each connection. Note that the Solstice software considers a display to be a "Post". Hosts can show, hide, or delete posts. If you attempt to connect to the Solstice Pod as "Guest", you will need to wait for a "Host" to approve your connection. Even after being approved for connection, a guest can share their display, but it will only be projected if the host selects the "Control" option in the sidebar, and sets the guest window to present. For both host and guest, click the "Disconnect" button at the top right of the Solstice client to disconnect. Please note: * In order to get the "Host" password, please contact tech. * The Solstice Client is available for Windows/MacOS X/Android/IOS, but is not available for Linux. * **ANYONE** can view the Solstice Pod display by visiting the IP address of the Solstice Pod in a web browser, and clicking on "Browser Look-In" at the bottom left corner of the screen. This will also work with Linux clients because the client software is not required. * At the present time, the only Solstice Pod installed in Lassonde Building is in LAS1002B. The following example scenarios are included in order to clarify the use of the Pod: ==== Example 1: Single host, no guests ==== A faculty member wants to present wirelessly, but doesn't need his students to connect or present: * Faculty member connects via the Solstice Client software as "Host". * Faculty member chooses to share entire desktop. * Students may choose to attempt to connect to the Pod as guest, but the faculty member doesn't need to approve or reject their connection. ==== Example 2: Single host, multiple guests ==== A faculty member is teaching, and wants the students in the class to be able to display their screens under his supervision. * Faculty member connects to the Solstice Client software as "Host". * Each student connects to the Solstice Client software as "Guest". * Faculty member must approve each student connection (guest) that will be permitted to share their display. * Approved students (guests) submit their display to be potentially displayed on the projector. * Faculty member can choose to either display his own screen, or any of the submitted student screens. ==== Example: Multiple hosts, multiple guests ==== If we consider the example above, and then add multiple faculty: * SEVERAL faculty members connect to the Solstice Client software as "Host". * Each student connects to the Solstice Client software as "Guest". * ANY connected faculty member (Host) can approve each student connection (guest) that will be permitted to share their display. * Approved students (guests) submit their display to be potentially displayed on the projector. * ANY connected faculty member (Host) can choose to either display his own screen, the screen of another host, or any of the submitted student screens. For additional information on the Solstice Pod, please consult with tech.