====== Web Submit ====== Web submit allows students to submit files via the web. Access web submit here: https://webapp.eecs.yorku.ca/submit Students can login to Web submit with an EECS or Passport York account. The default login method is EECS account. If you wish the default login method to be "Passport York", then simply add "?ppy" to the URL above like this: https://webapp.eecs.yorku.ca/submit?ppy By default, after logging in, the user will see a list of academic years, terms, and courses. The default academic year and term is the current one. By default, no course or assignment is selected. The user can select an academic year, term, course, and assignment for submission. In labtest mode, the academic year, term, and course will all be selected by default, and will be unchangable by the user. The user will only be able to select which assignment to submit. A field "Submit Status" updates to indicate either "Submission Enabled" or "Submission Disabled" depending on whether the group bit on the assignment subdirectory is readable or writable. If an assignment directory is neither readable nor writable, it won't appear in the list. Under "Please specify files to submit:", the user has an opportunity to submit up to 10 files at once. There is a browse button for selecting each file. As long as the assignment is open for submission, clicking on the "Browse" button, takes the user to their web browser file manager where they can select a file. After selecting up to 10 files, the user hits the "Submit Files" button at the bottom of the screen, and all the files are submitted. A "Messages:" field will show up to inform the user of the success of the process. Up to 512 MB of files can be uploaded at once. If the user submits more than 512 MB, the student will get an error message and will need to reselect their acadyear/term/course/assignment again. When the user selects a particular academic year, term, course, and assignment, he will see any files that he has submitted from this Web Submit session or past sessions. Faculty can configure whether students are permitted to view the contents of submitted files (see below). If submission is enabled, the user will be able to delete files from his submission, or add additional files. If submission is closed, the user will not be able to delete files or add additional files. Web submit has more file restrictions than the standard submit command. Files submitted cannot start with a "." and cannot contain spaces. In fact, the only valid characters that filenames can contain include: numbers, letters, _, -, and ".". Web submit will only show the student submitted files that match this specification. ===== Check Scripts ===== With the command line version of submit, if you have a _check file in your submit directory, it gets executed when students submit their work. **_check files are not supported by web submit**. If an assignment contains a _check file, web submit will not allow submitting to that assignment, and students must use the command line submit instead. ===== Video Tutorial ===== Click [[https://youtu.be/vF8SnoRqDn8|here]] for a video tutorial on using web submit. ===== Configuration ===== For details on Web Submit configuration, please see [[services:submit:websubmit-setup]]. ===== Questions? ===== If you have any questions about Web Submit, please consult with tech.