======= Disable Actions By Group Plugin ====== This plugin allows you to disable a given list of actions based on user groups. ===== Usage ===== Once you are logged in as the site admin, go into "Admin" and "Configuration Settings". Click on "Disableactionsbygroup Plugin Settings" and you will see a box that looks something like this: {{wiki:plugins:disableactionsbygroup.png|}} * List groups separated by ; that you wish to restrict. * List actions separated by , that you wish to restrict, using a ; in between groups. In the example above: * ALL (anonymous) : 'revisions', 'diff', 'recent' * user (normal user): 'diff', 'revisions' * friends (custom group): 'revisions' ==== Actions that you can restrict: ==== * login * logout * register * save * cancel * edit * draft * preview * search * show * check (check installation requirements) * index * revisions (old revisions) * diff * recent(recent changes) * backlink (show backlink) * admin * subscribe * unsubscribe * profile * resendpwd * recover * wordblock * draftdel * export_