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Enable or Disable your Labtest

Two simple commands have been created that allow you to enable or disable your labtest web page, fixing all permissions for you.


In order to check and correct permissions for a labtest directory and then enable the labtest, use the ltenable command.

For example, to fix permissions on the labtest directory /cs/dept/www/course/1020/labtest, and ensure that the directory is available during ALL labtest sessions:

ltenable /eecs/dept/www/course/9999/labtest


To disable a labtest so that it is not available while in labtest mode, use the ltdisable command. Disabling a labtest is simply a matter of removing all but the user permissions from the labtest directory.

For example:

ltdisable /eecs/dept/www/course/9999/labtest

NOTE: ltenable/ltdisable are for enabling or disabling the labtest web page for your course. These commands are not intended to be used in course directories or for enabling or disabling submit access.