Setting Up Deferred Exams

Deferred exams for a course are normally run in the following term. For example if an exam is deferred from the winter term, the students will probably write the deferred exam at the start of the summer term. By this time, /eecs/course has changed to point to the current term. In the current term, the course directory may be owned by different faculty, or the course may not even be taught.

When you book your deferred test, please provide to tech a session, term, and course. When machines are placed into labtest mode, /eecs/course/COURSE will be pointing to your course directory from the previous session, and term, so submit will work perfectly fine. Your course labtest web folder from the previous session and term will be mounted to /eecs/dept/wwww/labtest.

For example, assume that the current session in 2016-17 summer. The course is 2031. A deferred test is to be held for 2031 from the winter term. Follow these steps:

1. Create a submit directory for your deferred exam:

% cd /eecs/dept/course/2016-17/W/2031/submit <- you already have this directory from the previous session and term
% mkdir final <-- you can call your submit directory anything you like.
% chmod 770 final
% chgrp labtest final

2. Configure your labtest questions:

% cd /eecs/dept/www/course_archive/2016-17/W/2031/labtest <- web folder from the previous term.

Modify index.html for your new test.

Instruct your student to submit like this:

submit 2031 final filename
              ^---- or whatever name you chose.

3. E-mail tech to schedule your deferred exam. Be sure to let them know that this is a deferred exam. Provide them with the session, term, and course to ensure that the proper directories are mounted during your test.

4. Once tech has scheduled your deferred exam, consult the schedule and get your test ID. You can then verify how your test will display for your students by visiting the following URL:
                                  ^---- you fill in the ID of your test.

If you have time, it's always much better to request tech to place a machine in labtest mode for you to test prior to your test.

If you have any questions, please consult with tech.