Table of Contents

Basic Labtest Setup

In order to setup a basic labtest, you must complete the following 4 basic steps:

1. Create Directories

Create a directory in your course web directory called “labtest”. For example:

mkdir /eecs/dept/www/course_archive/2016-17/S/9999/labtest

The “labtest” directory is the only “mandatory” directory. How you choose to arrange the directory hierarchy under the “labtest” directory is totally up to you. For example, you could create a different directory for each test:

mkdir /eecs/dept/www/course_archive/2016-17/S/9999/labtest/test1
mkdir /eecs/dept/www/course_archive/2016-17/S/9999/labtest/test2

2. Create a Start Page

Create a start page in your “labtest” directory, and call it “index.html”. Students will see this page when their test begins. For the most minimal labtest setup, this is the only page you need!

For your convenience, you may choose to provide a link to “/common” on your index page. This link contains the Java API, and other documentation that is useful across labtests. In non-labtest mode, the information appears here: /teaching/docs

Note: If you decide to have different directories for each labtest, you still must have a start page in the “labtest” directory.

Note: You cannot include links to content outside your labtest web directory. Your regular course directory, or other Departmental web links will not be available during labtest.

To see a sample index.html file, click here.

3. Create and/or Install Additional Content

Create additional HTML pages to be part of your labtest, copy in images, PDFs, etc.

Note: “/” in a link refers to your labtest web directory. Links that do not start with a “/” refer to files/directories in the current directory. Links may never start with “http:” as external web links will not be accessible in labtest mode.

4. Fix File and Directory Permissions

Ensure that files and directories are accessible by group labtest.

For example:

chgrp -R labtest /eecs/dept/www/course_archive/2016-17/S/9999/labtest
chmod 750 /eecs/dept/www/course_archive/2016-17/S/9999/labtest
chmod 640 /eecs/dept/www/course_archive/2016-17/S/9999/labtest/index.html

Note: One of the next sections of this manual describes two commands, ltenable and ltdisable that will automate this process for you.

Make sure that you understand what files students can see outside of labtest mode or in other labtests. Remember - the labtest directory is just like any other directory on our system. In particular, students will be able to get at the contents of the directory if the permissions on the directory are not correct.