Testing your Labtest Setup

Wouldn't it be great if after you've completed your labtest setup, you could test it out from the comfort of your office? Well, you can.

First, connect to the labtest test web server:


This service will only work locally and is only available to faculty.
If you are running a deferred exam, you will have to specify the job ID from the schedule.

https://labtesteval.eecs.yorku.ca?id=<id number>

This web server runs as user “labtest” and group “labtest”, just like the labtest machines which provides the optimal testing environment.

By default, once you connect, you will be required to login. After you login, you will see the labtest start page, “labtest-index.php”, where you see the basic labtest disclaimer. However, since this isn't a real labtest, the test server doesn't know which labtest you wish to test, so you will see a message:

Your labtest does not seem to have a start page. Please consult your

There are two ways that you can test your labtest setup.

If your test has already been booked by tech, and you want to see exactly what your students will see when they run your test in the lab, you must get the ID of your test from the schedule, and pass it to labtest-index.php like this:


If your labtest hasn't been booked yet, or you are comfortable that the start page will take your student to the right start page for your test, you can go directly to your test. For example:


In addition, please keep in mind one drawback of the labtest testing environment. While you are logged into the test server, you still have access to the Internet. Links to outside pages will continue to work for you, but they will not work for your students during a real labtest where access to the Internet is blocked.

The best way to test your test to make sure that everything is working would be to ask tech to put a machine into labtest mode for you.