Troubleshooting Tips

   MUST BE DONE from Host pcmode and by any TECH member
       $ /xsys/pkg/pcmode/bin/pcmode -a hostname
        This will stop the login to the host and kill the job
        /xsys/pkg/pcmode/bin/pcmode -a jun05
         /xsys/pkg/pcmode/bin/pcmode -c hostname
         labtest   linux   windows   default
         eg1 /xsys/pkg/pcmode/bin/pcmode -t 0 -m labtest jun01
         eg2 /xsys/pkg/pcmode/bin/pcmode -t 0 -m default vr04 
  This process had been automated. When the students login into labtest mode 

they are given a choice as to whether they want to restore data or not? If they select “Yes”, the TA will sign in and restore their data from the host to be copied

You can use the keyboard [Ctrl-Alt-F1] option to log into the host via a terminal window. Do a 'ls -l' listing on the directory and see what file was last updated by the user. In the case of one student who was using nedit, we made a copy the file being worked on. Then terminate the nedit program. A 'ps -ef | grep -i nedit' command will display the nedit program pid .
Ctrl-Alt-F7 will position you back to the graphical interface the student was working on. Reopen the application “nedit” and open the copied file .

Alternatively, any tech member can ssh to the host the student is working on when in labtest mode and do the same as the above.

  Check that the default file exists for that host..

Use ltenable to set the permissions right on a directory

  eg:  ltenable <full path to labtest directory>
  to do a manual check:
  group of labtest directory should be : LABTEST
  chmod 770 <labtest directory>
  To Disable the directory so other will not be able to get into it
  use **ltdisable**
    The /cs/course/<course-number>/submit directory must exist
     Permissions here should be 755 username:faculty directory submit
     Inside this directory , 
     Section of labtest name eg:
     Permissions should be
     770 .. owner - facultymember
            group - labtest
     Note : all students belong to group submit 

The job id got duplicated because of restoring an old directory from

    the previous term and the id already existed
    The date may be scheduled wrong

REMOVE all directories under pcmode/schedule

     If you return a directory , make sure the id's are deleted
    It turns out that the user set up the directory under
    /cs/course/xxxx/labtest when it SHOULD BE
   % /xsys/pkg/pcmode/bin/pcmode-allow cse1234 6 jun01 where 
      cse1234 is the user name
      6 is the job ID
      jun01 is the host being questioned