Table of Contents

Unsubmit (optional)

In labtest mode, students start with an empty home directory. The optional unsubmit component of labtest enables faculty to provide students with access to previously submitted content which can be used for reference or a starting point for a test.

Enabling Unsubmit

To enable unsubmit, please follow these four steps:

1) Check to ensure that the permission of your course submit directory allows access by anyone in group submit:

% ls -ald /eecs/course/9999/submit
drwxr-xr-x 10 bob faculty 4096 Sep  3 23:31 /eecs/course/9999/submit

This submit directory is owned by user bob, group faculty, and allows “r-x” for other, hence anyone in group submit would be able to access this directory.

2) Check to ensure that the permission of any assignment subdirectories in the submit directory for which you wish to allow unsubmit are readable and executable by the submit group:

% ls -ald /eecs/course/9999/submit/a1 /eecs/course/9999/submit/a2
drwxr-x--- 107 bob submit  4096 Sep 14 11:30 /eecs/course/9999/submit/a1
drwxr-x---  38 bob submit  4096 Sep 19 12:10 /eecs/course/9999/submit/a2

Both a1 and a2 are group submit, and r-x.

3) Create a file called “unsubmit” in each of the submit assignment subdirectories in the submit directory for which you wish to allow unsubmit:

% touch /eecs/course/9999/submit/a1/unsubmit /eecs/course/9999/submit/a2/unsubmit

4) Ensure that the unsubmit files created above are readable by everyone:

% chmod 644 /eecs/course/9999/submit/a1/unsubmit /eecs/course/9999/submit/a2/unsubmit

That's it! Unsubmit is now setup. However, please continue reading this document for other important details about unsubmit.

What Can Students Expect?

When a student logs in during a labtest for which unsubmit has been enabled, the student will see an “unsubmit” directory in his home directory containing his previously submitted work. For example:

% ls
% cd unsubmit
% ls
A1 A2
% cd A1
% ls

It is important to note that the contents of the unsubmit directory are READ ONLY. If a student wishes to modify previously submitted work, he must copy it out of the unsubmit directory. For example:

% cp unsubmit/A1/ ~/
% jedit ~/

If the student tries to modify the copy of in the unsubmit directory, he will get “permission denied” errors.

Additional Important Details on Unsubmit