Subversion (SVN)

To access eecs svn repository<Repository-name>

How to create a new directory under an existing repository

Create the directory structure from the administration interface


Add the users that you want to access the repository (allow Access Allow Modify)

The directory must be created by the owner of the repository In this case (You). If however the user is at the top level of your repository, with (Allow Modify access) he/she can add the directory as well

  $  svn mkdir

Now that the directory is created and users can have access to it Working Example

 From administrative interface , I added myself to
   seela top level with Access (Allow and Modify)
   Created a directory test1
 Add seela with both allow and modify access
 Ran the following command
 desktop7 % svn mkdir
 Authentication realm: <> Subversion Repository
 Password for '<username>': xxxxxxxx
 ATTENTION!  Your password for authentication realm:
 <> Subversion Repository

…… Committing transaction… Committed revision 29.

$ svn list

         no data

$ svn co

Will create the directory back to by home directory
Checked out revision 29.
Created file hello.txt

$ svn status

?         hello.txt

$ svn add hello.txt

Adding         hello.txt
Transmitting file data ..
Accessing svn from a MacOS, Linux Desktop or WindowsOS

On unix like operating systems , svn has a default client /usr/bin/svn On Windows you can download a free client = Most common is TortoiseSVN