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IFrame Plugin

This plugin allows external urls to be loaded into an iframe in your Dokuwiki page.


{{url>someurl width, height}}
{{url>someurl width,height noscroll noborder alignment|alternate-text}}
someurl URL of web page to include required
width and height When only one value is given it is assumed to be the height. Otherwise the first value is width and the second value is height. You can give the values in px, em, pt or %. When no unit is given px is is NOT assumed (you have to give the value). Defaults values are: width - 98%, height - 400px. optional
noscroll disable the scrollbars of the iframe. optional
noborder disable the frame border, note that your CSS might still add borders or may disable them without using this setting optional
alignment left or right to have the iframe floating to the left or right. Should be used with a width. optional
alternate-text If not specified an empty string will be used. optional



Include the CSE web page here:

{{url>|Alternate TEXT}}