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December 22st: BioSA Annual New Year Party. BioSA including gradate students , undergraduate students and industrial collaborators ( Staudio1Lab) celebrated the beginning of new year' holidays, Christmas and and 4th anniversary of BioSA! Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and Meery Christmas!

December 21st: Samal in Lassoed News “Lassonde research in the finals for Sunnybrook Research Prize”, read more in

December 9th Samal Munidasa has been chosen as a Finalist to present his research on AMD project at the Sunnybrook Research Prize 2017 Competition on Friday 6th January, 2017. Congratulation Samal and good luck.

December 9th Our paper titled “A CMOS Differential Receiver Dedicated to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applications” was accepted for publication in Analog Integrated Circuits & Signal Processing (ALOG). Congratulation Hossein!

December 6th Chengjie Wang (Ivan) successfully defended of his master thesis and nominated for the best thesis award (Defence Committee:Professors M. Aboelaze, S. Magierowski, E. Ghafar-Zadeh, S. Leung). Congratulation Ivan!

December 2st Ghazal Nabovati successfully defended of her PhD thesis with “ Excellent multidisciplinary research” evolution's comment from defense committee ( Professors Savaria, Martel, Izquierdo, Sawan and Ghafar-Zadeh) . —-

November 29th:Congratulation BioSA. Our paper “Toward spirometry-on-chip: design, implementation and experimental results, Microsystem Technologies” was published.

November 24th: Innovation York announced the collaboration between Studio1Lab incorporation and BioSA in collaborative Research: Key Success' event, at York University. The collaboration has recently been supported by NSERC through ENGAGE program. Congratulation to BioSA and Studio1Lab.

September 19th, 2016: Maysam defended of his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulation Masyam for your great achivement.

September 9th, 2016: It was our great honor and pleasure to meet the Minister of Science, the Honourable Kirsty Duncan in the Lassonde School of Engineering. Parastoo presented her poster to the Minister. Excellent Job Parastoo!

August 19th, 2016: E. Ghafar-Zadeg and S. Magierowski presented two papers [8],[4] in EMBC 2016, Orlando, US.

August 15th, 2016: Parastoo Baghaei received a poster presentation award. Congratulation to Parastoo and all BioSA members for receiving this “honorable mention” award from the undergraduate student conference in the Lassonde School of Engineering 2016.

July 29th, 2016: Congratulation to Professor S. Magierowski and Nanopore research team for publication of new paper titled “Nanopore-CMOS Interfaces for DNA Sequencing” in Biosensors, MDPI.

July 26th, 2016: Congratulation Maysam for your new paper titled Dynamic analysis of magnetic nanoparticles crossing cell membrane.

July 4th, 2016: A new paper on he topic of Apta-sensor for Colon Cancer detection was accepted to be published in Sensors, MDPI [2]. Congratulation Mojgan for your new paper.

June 27th, 2016: A new paper on the topic of CMOS Capacitive Biosensors was accepted to be published in TBCAS [3]. Congratulation Ghazal for your new paper.

June 22th, 2016: Thanks to Mohammad Sajjaddieh, PhD Candidate at EECS, YorkU for giving a tutorial to Undergraduate Researchers at BioSA on June 13th. The topic of his tutorial was MATLAB signal processing for biomedical applications in particular Electrooculography.

June 13st, 2016: Welcome to Azita Saberbaghi - new PhD students in BioSA.

June 13st, 2016: Welcome to Reema Rehaman, Sonia Abad and Ayaat Hassan - new master students in BioSA.

June 10st, 2016: Thanks all BioSA and EMIL members for participating in monthly meeting.

June 10st, 2016: Congratulation Maysam for your accepted paper [1] that will be published in Biosensors, MDPI.

June 1st, 2016: Congratulation Hossein for your accepted paper [2] that will be published in Sensors, MDPI.

May 26-27, Ontario-on-a-chip 2016, Toronto: Giancarlo Ayala-Charca presented his poster titled “ A New Impedance Spectroscopy System for Cellular Analysis”.

May 23-25: Congratulations to all BioSA members for a successful ISCAS 2016. This year we had five oral presentations ( E. Ghafar-Zadeh (2), S. Magierowski (1) and G. Nabovati(1) and live demonstration ( G. Nabovati). Photo: Majid Ahmadi ( Professor, Dept. of ECE, University of Windsor), Ebrahim, Ghazal.

May 10, 2016: Congratulations to Mojgan Ahmadzadeh Raji for her successful PhD defense.

April 2016 Congratulations to Navid Mohaghegh and Chengjie Wang for their accepted papers in EMBC 2016 (see Publications [1], [2]).

January 2016 While is being ready to defend of his master thesis, Giancarlo Ayala Charca accepted a job offer “ laboratory technologist” at York University. Congratulation Giancarlo

2016/start.1493337277.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/27 23:54 by egz

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