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BioSA News 2017

Nov.22, 2017: Congratulations to Azita, for the acceptance of her oral presentation. Also congratulations to Reema and Sonia for the acceptance of their poster presentations in 63nd Conference of BPS 2018,

October 6, 2017: Xue Zihao successfully completed his Mistacs internship. Congratulation and Wish you the best.

September 28, 2017: Congratulation to Dr Mojgan Zandi (visiting professor at BioSA) for publishing her paper titled “ Cure Kinetic Study of Methacrylate-POSS Co-polymers for Ocular Lens” progress in Biomaterials.

September 26, 2017: E Ghafar-Zadeh gave a talk titled CMOS Based Lab On Chip, in University of Concordia, Montreal.

September 25, 2017: Congratulation and Good luck to Reema in Texpo 2017.

September 20,2017: Happy birthday Arman and Morteza.

August 31, 2017: Annual meeting of imCMOS group members. In this event, all group students supervised by E. Ghafar-zadeh and M. magierowski along with guest speakers were presented research activities.

August 29, 2017: Project of Reema was accepted for presentations in two different events in Montreal ( NanoCanada Conference and CMC Micro-system TEXPO). Congratulation to Reema and wish her good luck for the poster presentation competition in the conference and demonstration competition in TEXPO.

August 28, 2017: Parveen presented her project isn an Indian-Canadian Symposium at York University. Thanks Parveen!

August 24, 2017: A group of high School Students visited BioSA laboratories. These students were applied to Lassonde inaugural Women in Engineering Mentorship Program this summer. Thanks to BioSA members including Reema for organizing the event. Amnd thanks presenters (Navid, Samal, Arman, Xue and Parastoo), the students ( Azita, Sonia, Ayaat) who helped for the demonstration of medical devices and for taking pictures (Morteza and Samal).

August 21, 2017: BioSA member- Azita received a training from Dolomite Bio, in the “ scRNA Seq and Single Cell Droplet Microfluidics Workshop ” in St Michaels Hosp, Keenan Research Centre, Toronto, Canada.

August 15, 2017: BioSA members - Samal and Arman presented two posters in Undergraduate Research Conference, LAssonde School of Engineering , York University. Excellent Job!

August 15, 2017: E. Ghafar-Zadeh gaqve an invited talk on the topic of Hybrid Microfluidic CMOS in the Persepolise Association of Scientist and Scholars (PASS), Richmond, ON, Canada.

MWSCAS 2017 (6-9 August)

Congratulation to BoSA members for our great participation in MWSCAS conference 2017

August 8, 2017: BioSA paper “A New Cell-on-Chip Impedometric Interface: Design, Implementation and Experimental Results Giancarlo Ayala, Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh, Georg Zoidl, Sebastian Magierowski” was presented by E. Ghafar-Zadeh.

August 8, 2017: E Ghafar-Zadeh co-chaired an invited session titled Biochips and Bioengineering, the invited talks were given by great CMOS Biochip researchers including Rahul Sarpeshkar, Maysam Ghovanloo, Andrew Mason, Pamela Abshire.

August 8, 2017: E. Ghafar-Zadeh gave a talk titled Advanced CMOS Biochips gives by E. Ghafar-Zadeh in Khademhossein's Laboratory ( KHA-LAB), Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.

August 7, 2017: BioSA paper “GPU Base Calling for DNA Strand Sequencing Roksana Hossain, Robinson Mittmann, Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh, Geoffery Messier, Sebastian Magierowski” was presented by S. Magierowski.

August 7, 2017: BioSA paper “A Current Based Capacitance-to-Frequency Converter for Lab-on-Chip Applications, Saghi Forouhi, Omid Farhanieh, Resoul Dehghani, Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh” was presented by E. Ghafar-Zadeh.

August 7, 2017: E Ghafar-Zadeh chaired a SPECIAL SESSION: Emerging Bio-Interface Technologies for Life Science Applications Session.

August 6, 2017: E Ghafar-Zadeh and M Magierowski gave a tutorial in MWSCAS 2017, Boston, Tufts University.

1) E. Ghafar-Zadeh's talk in KHA-LAB, 2) Y Shrike Zhang (Harvard Medical School 3) Students in KHA-LAB, 4) MWSAS Conference, evening Aug. 8th.

August 8th: BioSA Ozone Sensor was featured at York University.

August 1, 2017: NSERC supports BioSA to develop a novel ozone sensor in a collaboration with Felix Technologies Incorporation. Read more

July 28, 2017: BioSA thanks Meddela Health - a Waterloo based company for a visit from our labs in BRG and FRQ buildings and for a great meeting.

July 24, 2017: BioSA run the first cell culture training session using new facilities in BRG building. Thanks to the Lassonde school of Engineering and the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science for their great support to provide teaching and research facilities. Also thanks Azita Saber - PhD student helps the master students and other BioSA members to learn cell culture methodes.

July 21,, 2017: Many Thanks to BioSA members (including Reema, Azita, Giancarlo, Samal, Sonia, Firouz, Parastoo, Arman, Zihao, Parveen, Morteza ) for setting up a great birthday surprise and party for Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh!

July 20, 2017: Today , BioSA members (from left to right, Giancarlo. Sonia, Azita) have started the first experiment using multi-electrode array for neuronal recording. Thanks to Dr. G. Zoidl for the visit and comments.

(from left to right, Giancarlo. Sonia, Azita and Professors G. Zidle and E. Ghafar-Zadeh)

July 13th 2017: Welcome to Dr. Mahla Poudineh to EECS and BioSA and thanks for her great talk.

May 26th, 2017: The papers of Giancarlo, Saghi and Omid have been accepted for the presentation in MWSCAS2017. Congratulations!

May 25th, 2017: Participation in Ontario-on-Chip

  1. E. Ghafar-Zadeh gave an invited talk
  2. R Rahman and A Hassan presented their posters

May 25th, 2017: Dr. Maysam Pedram has received an Assistant Professor position at KNT University, Tehran, Iran. Congratulation Maysam for your great achievement.

May 3rd, 2017: Participation in the 30th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE’17, Windsor, April 29th-May 3rd, 2017.

  1. A tutorial on the topic of Microfluidic CMOS was given by E. Ghafar_Zadeh and S. Magierowski
  2. A special session including five talks from EECS professors (E. Ghafar-Zadeh, M. Magierowski, S. Pisana, AM Sodagar, and H. Kasiriwas was organized [ see]
  3. BiOSA members gave four presentations [ see papers # 2,3,4 and 5].

(from left to right, Professors E. Ghafar-Zadeh, M. Magierowski, S. Pisana, M. Sabour and H. Kasiri)

April 27th, 2017: Congratulations to ENG4000 team- Parastoo, Nazia, Nisha and Bhumikaben for their great efforts, very well demonstration and finally receiving one of awards in today's ENG4000 competitions.

April 10th, 2017: Our papers [ see [1]) was accepted to be published in Journal of Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. Congratulations!

March 25th, 2017: The papers of Navid, Chengjie, Saghi and Abbas were accepted in IEEE CCECE conference 2017. Congratulations!

March 21th, 2017: Samal and Parastoo have been recommended for NSERC USRA at the Lassonde School of Engineering, York University. Congratulations!

March 8th, 2017: Sonia and Ayaat recieved York Graduate Scholarships Congratulations!

March 7th, 2017: Happy birthday Samal.

Jan. 5th, 2017: Supervisory meetings for the projects Azita, Reema, Ayaat and Sonia! They successfully presented and answered the questions. Thanks Professors Zoidl, Peng,Golemi-Kotra for their greet support as supervisory committee members.

Jan. 5th, 2017: Giancarlo Successfully defended of his master degree! Congratulation to Giancarlo for his great achievements! The title of his thesis is novel spectroscopy system for life science applications. (Defence Committee:Professors G. Zoidl M. Aboelaze, S. Magierowski, E. Ghafar-Zadeh).

Jan.1st 2017: Happy New Year!

2017/start.1516301446.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/01/18 18:50 by egz

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