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BioSA News 2020
- Dec. 10, 2020: Congratulations to John for the publication of his paper in Actuators(see publications 1).
- Dec. 4,2020: Congratulations to BioSA and our collaborator for granting our patent in google patent. https://patents.google.com/patent/US10809513B2/en
- Dec. 3, 2020: Congratulations to BioSA and our collaborators for publications of two papers in Analytical Chemistry and IEEE Transactions on VLSI (see publications 3,2).
- Nov 11, 2020: BioSA Research on COVID-19 was featured. Congratulations to All.
- SOSCIP: https://www.soscip.org/covid19/
- Nov 6, 2020,: Congratulations to Saghi for the acceptance of her review paper in Micromachines, MDPI.
- October 5, 2020,: Congratulations to Deniz for publishing her review paper in Trends in Analytical Chemistry.
- September 1st: Congratulations to Abbas and Mahta for receiving Scholarship from Parya Trillium Foundation http://paryascholarship.com/#
- July 27: BIOSA receives another support from Mitacs during this Pandemic. Congratulations to Hamed for receiving RTA Mitacs scholarship in Fall 2020.
- July 10, 2020, Congratulations to Negin for her successful defence.
- June 17, 2020, Congratulations to Deniz for receiving the very important Elia Scholars Program Award.
- June 10, 2020, BioSA and CMC collaborate on a Mitacs supported project to fight COVID 19. Congratulations Abbas, Hamed and Shahin for receiving very important Mitacs scholarship awards (Thanks Abbas for preparation of below beautiful poster).
- June 9, 2020, Congratulations Azita for receiving very important OGS Scholorship.
- May 7, 2020, Congratulations John for receiving very important CGS-M Scholorship.
- March 27, 2020, Virtual BioSA Lab: Invited Talk, Dr. Melahat YILDIRIM, Towards Microfluidic Development for Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Cells Studies, Online Zoom
- March 26, 2020. Congratulations to Abbas for the acceptance of his Journal paper [1]
- March 25, 2020, Virtual BioSA Lab: Invited Talk, Dr. Oksana Kutova, Biomolecular and chemical sensors based on silicon field-effect structures, Online Zoom
- March 10, 2020,: Welcome to new Ph.D. students- Tina Shaffaf and Deniz Sadighbayan in BioSA. They starts at York in September 2020.
- Feb. 29, 2020: Congratulation to all authors of following accepted papers in CCECE 2020:
- H. Osouli Tabrizi, S. Magierowski, E. Ghafar-Zadeh, Toward Versatile CMOS Capacitive Sensors for Cellular Monitoring, IEEE CCECE 2020, April 26-29, London, Canada.
- M. Munidasa, P. Baghaie, E. Shim, O. Lin, E. Ghafar-Zadeh, A Bedsheet for Baby Monitoring at Night: Measurement and Characterization Results, IEEE CCECE 2020, April 26-29, London, Canada.
- A. Panahi, P. Ghasemi, E. Ghafar-Zadeh, A New Capacitive MEMS Flow Sensor for Industrial Gas Transport Monitoring Applications, IEEE CCECE 2020, April 26-29, London, Canada.
- K. Qiao, A. Nikerson, S. MacDonald, E. Ghafar-Zadeh, A Non-Invasive Wireless Respiratory Monitoring System for Animals' Behavioural Studies, IEEE CCECE 2020, April 26-29, London, Canada.
- N. Sohrabi, M. Pedram, E. Ghafar-Zadeh, Dynamics Targeting Through Cell Membrane: MD Simulation Approach in CNT-Based Drug Delivery Application, IEEE CCECE 2020, April 26-29, London, Canada.
- Feb. 25, 2020: Professor Ghafar-Zadeh membership in IEEE elevated to IEEE Senior Member
- Feb. 6, 2020: Happy birthday Mahta
- Jan. 31, 2020: Hamed successfully passed his qualification PhD exam. Congratulations to Hamed for his great achievement. This exam was held at 11:00 am at LAS 3033.
- Jan. 16, 2020: Azita successfully passed her Preliminary PhD exam. Congratulations to Azita for her great achievement. The exam was held at 10:00 am in FARQ 270.
- Jan. 1st, 2020: Happy New Year to all BioSA current members and alumni.
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2020/start.1613404001.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/15 15:46 by egz