**December 2015:** Yiyun Huang successfully passed MSc. Oral exam. The title of his thesis is " A High-Speed and Low-Noise Nanpore Amplifier and Event Detector". **Congratulation Yiyun!** ---- ---- **November 2015:** Hossein Pourmodheji successfully passed MSc. Oral exam. The title of his thesis is " TOWARDS CMOS NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY: DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS". **Congratulation Hossein!** ---- ---- **November 2015:** Navid Mohaghegh successfully passed the qualification exam. The title of the Navid's presentation was " NGRID – Open Platform to Detect and Monitor Age Related Macular Degeneration". **Congratulation Navid!** ---- ---- **October 2015:** Ghazal Nabovati received Dr. Brian L. Barge Award for Excellence in Microsystems *Integration in Texpo 2015 for Smart Petri-Dish: A Fully Integrated Cell Imaging Platform for Real-Time Assessment of Living Cells. For more information, http://innovation360.ca, **Congratulations Ghazal**! ----