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members:u-research_1:start [2019/07/19 23:36] egzmembers:u-research_1:start [2024/03/06 20:30] (current) egz
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 ====== Undergraduate Researchers ====== ====== Undergraduate Researchers ======
- {{:members:u-research_1:vsbhj.png|}} 
-  +Mahdi MovaahedHonors Thesis, BSc in Biology
-**Ryan Karaba** ( LURA AwardSummer 2019) is an Electrical Engineering student studying in his final year at York University.  Having a great experience with signal processing, Ryan is exploring Micro Electrode Arrays with Professor Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh. Specifically, Ryan will be recording EEG signals from Larval Zebrafish for examining developmental and drug effects. This is very important, as Zebrafish electrophysiological recordings are a rapidly expanding field for research. Furthermore, Ryan will be working on improving the design of the Micro Electrode Arrays to enhance the viability of signals being recorded.+
-**Leila Hajighadimi** Practicum Researcher, Biology. 
-====== Summer 2019 - PoC Diaganostic Project Undergrdaute Team ====== 
-  * Musharraf Nazeeris a third-year student in Biology, York University. 
-  - Jenny Kim is a 2 nd year computer science student at York University.  
-  - Morteza Karami is a third-year student in Biology, York University. 
-  - Alessia Sacco is a Computer Science student in her third year of an undergraduate degree.  
-  - Eren Yigit is an undergraduate Biology (3rd year) student, York University.  
-  - Leila Hajighadimi is a 4th-year biology student( practicum). 
-  - Nathalia Venerayanis a third-year Computer Science student at York University. 
- {{:members:u-research_1:picture1zx.png|}} 
-** Course Projects and Undergraduate Research Projects can be seen here** 
members/u-research_1/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/06 20:30 by egz

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