====== iGO3D Funding Announcement ====== Modified from the press release: The building blocks for the next generation of stereoscopic three-dimensional (S-3D) gaming are being put in place thanks to a major funding announcement by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture through the Ontario Media Development Corporation's (OMDC) Entertainment and Creative Cluster Partnerships Fund along with support from Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE). Together, OMDC, OCE, industry and academic partners will provide more than $635,000 in funding to Interactive Gaming Ontario 3D (iGO3D), a new collaborative effort that brings together the expertise of five universities, one college and a wide range of gaming industry partners whose mission is to drive the growth of the province's digital media content industry. iGO3D's primary partner is the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), where Dr. Andrew Hogue, assistant professor, Faculty of Business and Information Technology will serve as iGO3D project leader. York University is the secondary partner in the project. iGO3D's research efforts will include investigative issues related to comfort, effectiveness, audio and how the stereoscopic viewing experience impacts gameplay from both the player's and developer's perspectives. Other aspects of iGO3D's mandate include development of a game test facility, further S-3D vision and auditory research with a view to establishing game design parameters and disseminating this information to Ontario's gaming industry through focused webinars and conferences. In addition to UOIT and York, additional partnering institutions include the University of Waterloo, University of Western Ontario, the Ontario College of Arts and Design University (OCADU) and George Brown College. Industry partners include The S-3D Gaming Alliance (S3DGA), Electronic Arts Canada, Bedlam Games, Big Blue Bubble, Digital Extremes, Interactive Ontario and Junction VFX. [[http://www.uoit.ca/EN/main2/about/news_events/news_archives/news_releases/2011/20110303_2.html | UOIT's press release for the project]] And on [[http://www.mtbs3d.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=12291&catid=35 | MTBS3D.org:]] [[http://www.omdc.on.ca/AssetFactory.aspx?did=7080 | OMDC ]] [[http://www.gamersdailynews.com/story-22626-Interactive-Gaming-Ontario-3D-to-Fund-3D-Game-Development.html | Gamers Daily News]]