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opportunities [2010/01/09 04:58] allisonopportunities [2011/04/26 04:33] allison
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-===== Grad Studies/ Undergrad Projects =====+====== Grad Studies/Undergrad Projects ======
 +===== Open Positions =====
 +This section is for open full-time research positions. For graduate and undergraduate student opportunities see below. 
 +===== Filled Positions =====
-[[ | Open Research Positions (Filled)]] 
 +[[stereocinema2010| Post-doctoral researcher in stereoscopic cinema]]
 +We are also recruiting graduate students for this project.
 +[[RAY position| Research at York summer undergraduate researcher]]
 +[[ | Open Research Positions (Filled)]]
 +===== Grad Studies/ Undergrad Projects =====
 [[ | NSERC Program in Computational Approaches to Sensorimotor Transformations for the Control of Action]] [[ | NSERC Program in Computational Approaches to Sensorimotor Transformations for the Control of Action]]
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-===== Undergraduate Projects with Robert Allison =====+===== Undergraduate Projects  =====
 ==== Projects Overview ==== ==== Projects Overview ====
-I have active research projects studying time delay in virtual reality, eye-movement tracking, and blur and disparity as cues to depth in computer graphics. There are several opportunities for COSC4080 projects arising from these for interested students. +I have active research projects studying time delay in virtual reality, eye-movement tracking, and blur and disparity as cues to depth in computer graphics. There are several opportunities for CSE4080 projects arising from these for interested students. 
 I also regularly serve as advisor for ENG4000 project teams.  I also regularly serve as advisor for ENG4000 project teams. 
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-  * Night vision system development and evaluation for forest fire suppression+== Night vision system development and evaluation for forest fire suppression ==
-  * Algorithms for image scaling in stereoscopic film+Forest fires are a continual threat to people, communities and natural resources across Canada. Early detection of forest fires, while the fires are still in their emergent stages would greatly improve suppression success and reduces overall costs.  It would be advantageous to identify fires early and aggressively suppress them before they become unmanageable. This project seeks to combine advanced airborne imaging capabilities with remotely and directly obtained geospatial data to enable early detection of forest fires. 
-  * Development of software for evaluating self-motion perception in microgravity+Undergraduate students will work at development of experimental and interface software, assisting in the conduct of experiments and flight trials, and in data analysis. These efforts will be undertaken either as summer students or as thesis or capstone project students. All these students will work intimately with the partner organisations in collaborative research. Given the large amount of data to be collected in the field we envision a significant fraction of the student’s time will be spent collaborating with partner organisations.
-  * Visually guided locomotion in virtual reality+== Algorithms for image scaling in stereoscopic film ==
-  * Human perception and performance with 3D displays+Future stereoscopic content will be delivered on platforms ranging from large format cinema screens to mobile devices. The issues involved in effectively 
 +and pleasingly scaling 3D content for multiple devices are not trivial. We will evaluate methods used to achieve 3D delivery on multiple output devices, characterize the viewing geometry, predict perceptual effects of scaling algorithms, objectively evaluate these predictions on depth perception and visual comfort, and modify and refine the scaling algorithms. The student will assist in the software development, experimentation, content creation and evaluation. 
 +== Development of software for evaluating self-motion perception in microgravity ==
 +Motion sickness and spatial disorientation on entering the space environment are significant problems affecting the availability and effectiveness of astronauts. We are conducting experiments to develop the theory of how astronauts adjust to altered gravity and to study the time course of this adaptation. This will involve developing computer graphics displays, experimentation and data analysis. 
 +== Visually guided locomotion in virtual reality ==
-==== COSC 4080 Projects: ====+In CAVE-like environments human locomotion is significantly restricted due to physical space and configural constraints. Interaction techniques based upon stepping in place have been suggested as a way to simulate long range locomotion. We have developed a new method for step detection and estimation of forward walking speed and direction in an immersive virtual environment. The student will assist in the development and application of these techniques to study human locomotion and navigation in IVY, the six-walled virtual environment at York. 
 +== Human perception and performance with 3D displays == 
 +Stereopsis is one of a number of depth cues that help us identify the three-dimensional layout of the environment. In stereopsis, differences or disparities between the images presented to the two eyes are interpreted by the visual system as depth. The goal of this work is to understand human stereoscopic perception and to explore the significance of these results for the design of software and hardware for stereoscopic and immersive displays. The student will assist in the software development, experimentation, content creation and evaluation. 
 +==== CSE4080/408x Projects: ====
-The following are some project suggestions for students interested in undertaking a 4080 project with me and some of my colleagues. Feel free to email me ( or drop by to discuss these ideas or to discuss a project you have come up with yourself.+The following are some project suggestions for students interested in undertaking a 408x project with me and some of my colleagues. Feel free to email me ( or drop by to discuss these ideas or to discuss a project you have come up with yourself.
 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 +=== Simulation for Forest Fire Detection ===
 +Required Background: General CSE408x prerequisites
 +Recommended Background: CSE3431 or CSE4471 or equivalent
 +Detection of forest fires is a challenging activity that requires considerable training. The objective of this project is to implement a virtual reality simulation to incorporate key aspects of this task and then to perform an evaluation with a small user study.
 +=== Study of self-motion perception in microgravity ===
 +Required Background: General CSE408x prerequisites
 +Recommended Background: CSE3431 or CSE4471 or equivalent
 +This is a computer graphics project to present visual motion stimuli to an observer. The software will experimentally control scene content, collect user responses and control the camera trajectory to simulate the desired self-motion profile.
 +=== Stereoscopic cinema calculator ===
 +Required Background: General CSE408x prerequisites
 +Recommended Background: CSE3431 or CSE4471 or equivalent
 +Directors of three-dimensional movies sometimes use 'stereo calculators' to compute the simulated depth of objects in the film show to the viewer in order to maximize the stereoscopic effects and maintain comfortable viewing. However current calculators have limited ability to visualize the results of the calculations. This project will combine stereo calculations with visualization software to assist the director in artistic and technical decisions.
 === Biologically inspired computer vision system for calculation of time-to-contact === === Biologically inspired computer vision system for calculation of time-to-contact ===
opportunities.txt · Last modified: 2014/10/12 01:57 by allison

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