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BRG310B - Power Sytems Support Lab


The Power Systems Support Laboratory (PSSL) is an advanced undergraduate laboratory equipped with different power measurement tools and workstations from LabVolt and Lucas Nulle. This laboratory is used for the support of teaching purposes in the area of power engineering, distributed power networks and energy systems. Since power engineering courses have different needs in terms of the laboratory exercises and will require different circuit modules to be used in the main workstations, this support laboratory is dedicated to the essential preparations of the workstations with the specified power circuit modules for the scheduled laboratory sessions. In addition, the PSSL will be served as the main workspace for the BCEE technician(s) with expertise in power systems engineering. All the workstations and the power measurement tools will be tested thoroughly by the technicians prior to be used by the students, so that fully functional workstations and test equipment will be ensured for each laboratory session.




brg310b/start.1538774668.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/05 21:24 by amin