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BRG310C - Analog Support Lab


The Analog Support Lab (ASL) is equipped with measurement equipment for the support of student teaching and design in the area of physical electronics, one of two key pillars in the EECS core electronics theme (complemented by systems electronics). As a space for physical electronics support the lab’s technical focus is on the development and design of electronic devices, sensors and analog circuits. Among its many uses, the ASL firstly serves as a workspace for a BCEE technician with expertise in physical electronics. The tech uses ASL equipment to support the initiation and development of experiential teaching material by faculty for Lassonde EECS undergraduates. A second, but equally important, ASL service is as a resource for our students to learn sophisticated concepts in their upper-year courses through access to high-tech devices and to further apply these lessons as part of course or capstone projects or even their own entrepreneurial pursuits. With appropriate faculty and technical guidance the ASL will provide our students unique opportunities to apply their learning at unique performance levels. As a foundational topic for the field of electrical engineering, the subject areas and hence the courses and student activities supported by the ASL are extremely broad and include semiconductor devices and sensors, integrated circuits, signal conditioners and instrumentation, electromagnetics and antennas, electro-optics, analog communications and remote sensing. These topics play a significant role in many Lassonde EECS courses spanning the whole length of a four-year undergraduate degree and our ability to support them at levels approaching commercial standards rather than toy mock-ups distinguishes York as one of the national leaders in high-tech engineering education. The substantial array of uses for our physical electronics pillar naturally requires a commensurate array of support equipment. The ASL is therefore outfit to support a broad range of operating signals (DC to 67 GHz, nV to 60 V, pA to 10 A) and test-methods (time-based, frequency-based, network parameters, linearity, noise, parametric).


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brg310c.1555967517.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/04/22 21:11 by amin