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BRG310D - Rapid Prototyping Support Lab

The Rapid Prototyping Support Lab (RPSL) provides students and staff with hands-on experience in the design and test of a wide variety of prototype electronic systems hardware. RPSL thus supports a broad range of traditional course offerings as well as teaching formats unique to the Lassonde School. The wide spectrum of applications addressed by RPSL’s prototyping capabilities includes the most relevant technologies in electrical engineering today: wireless communications, computing, control, sensing, and medical devices. As such RPSL serves all the needs of the EECS and its intention to provide an immersive and unique teaching environment to its students. Its circuit fabrication capability includes board construction and population with both off-the-shelf and microsystem components. At the same time, its probing facilities couple precise testing of microsystem components with with automated infrastructure for handling large class sizes. These facilities thus allow for the rapid construction of board-level systems for an extended array of uses including microwave, instrumentation, and embedded computing. This resource is used not only for the fabrication of educational tools and demonstration components unique to the Lassonde school, but also gives our students the opportunity to construct custom electronic designs as part of courses, project work and entrepreneurial pursuits.




brg310d.1538773784.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/05 21:09 by amin