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BRG334 - Electronics Teaching Lab


The electronics teaching lab serves as a general educational laboratory space for a large number of courses in physical and systems electronics. It provides basic equipment for the execution of labs and projects which, for upper-year courses are augmented by the broader array of test and characterization hardware available in the ASL and DSL.


Workstations (18):

The Electronics Lab has 18 workstations accommodating 36 students as 18 groups of pair students. Each workstation has specialty measurement tools and one dual boot (Windows & Linux) desktop computer, i.e. in total 18 desktops.

Measurement Tools:

Function Generator (18):

Keysight 33611A Arbitrary Waveform Generator, 80 MHz, 1-ch

Oscilloscope (18):

Keysight MSOX2022A Mixed Signal Oscilloscope - 200 MHz, 2 Analog Plus 8 Digital channels

Digital Multimeter (18):

Keithley 2110-120 5.5-Digit Dual-Display Digital Multimeter, 1 kV, 10 A

Power Supplies (18):

1. TTi MX100T DC Power Supply, Multi-Range, Digital Control Triple Outputs, 3 x 35V/3A 315W

2. Keysight E3630A 35W Fixed, Triple Output, 6V, 2.5A & ±20V, 0.5A

FieldFox (12):

Keysight N9913A FieldFox Handheld Microwave Analyzer, 4 GHz

DAQ (12):

National Instruments USB-6210

Soldering Station (18):

Weller WES51 Analog Soldering Station


DAQStaff Breadboard Design Kit

Laser Equipments:

LEEI-61: Interference, Diffraction & Polarization of Microwave (5):

LEOI-40: Experimental System for Polarized Light (5):

LEOK-21: Fiber Communication Experiment Kit (5):

LEOI-50A: Diode-Pumped Solid-State Laser Apparatus (4):

LEOI-35C: Compehensive Light Modulation of AO/EO/MO Effects (4):


brg334/start.1590987175.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/01 04:52 by amin