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Table of Contents
BRG336 Courses
Courses in Medical Devices Lab:
- EECS 3641: Introduction to Medical Devices and Biological Instruments (F/W)
- EECS 4642: Medical Imaging Systems (W)
- EECS 4643: Biomedical Signal Analysis (F)
- EECS 4640: Introduction to Medical Imaging (W)
- EECS 4645: Microfluidics
- EECS 6801: Advanced Biochips
- EECS 6803: Advanced Microfluidics
Additional courses:
- EECS 2602 - Signals and Systems in Continuous Time (W)
- EECS 3602 - Systems and Random Processes in Discrete Time (F)
- EECS 3612: Sensors and Measurement Instruments
EECS 4641: Introduction to Medical Devices and Biological Instruments
Instructor: Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh
- Lab 01: EMG I
- Lab 02: EMG II
- Lab 03: EEG I
- Lab 04: EEG II
- Lab 05: ECG I
- Lab 06: ECG II
- Lab 07: ECG & Pulse
- Lab 08: Respiratory Cycle I
- Lab 09: EDA & Polygraph
- Lab 10: EOG I
- Lab 11: Reaction Time I
- Lab 11A: Reaction Time II
- Lab 12: Pulmonary Function I
- Lab 13: Pulmonary Function II
- Lab 14: Biofeedback
- Lab 15: Aerobic Excercise Physiology
- Lab 16: Blood Pressure
- Lab 17: Heart Sounds
- Lab 20: Spinal Cord Reflexes
- *Signal Processing Breadboard Labs**
- Lab 1: Square Wave Oscillator
- Lab 2: Instrumentation Amplifier
- Lab 3: High Pass Active Filter
- Lab 4: Active Gain Block and Low Pass Filter
- Lab 5: Notch Filter for 50/60 Hz Rejection
- Lab 6: QRS Detection: Band Pass Filter
- Lab 7: QRS Detection: Absolute Value Circuit
- Lab 8: QRS Detection: Low Pass Filter and Overall System Test
EECS 4642: Medical Imaging Systems
Instructor: Ali Sadeghi-Naini
- LAB 1: Signals and Systems in Medical Imaging
- LAB 2: Image Quality
- LAB 3: Ultrasound Imaging
- LAB 4: Analyzing Structural Images Using 3D Slicer
- LAB 5: Advanced Modules in 3D Slicer
EECS 3640: Introduction Biomedical Engineering
Laboratory Materials
Instructor: Razieh (Neda) Salahandish
- Lab 1: Ethical Considerations in Biomedical Engineering
- Lab 2: Bioelectric Phenomena
- Lab 3: Biocompatibility of the Prosthetic Biomaterials
- Lab 4: Biomedical Sensor Technologies
- Lab 5: Biosignal Processing
- Lab 6: Medical Imaging
EECS 3612: Introduction to sensors and measurement instruments
Instructor: Gerd Grau, Ebrahim Ghafar-Zadeh
- Lab 1 LabView Intro Accelerometer
- Lab 2 Measurement accuracy
- Lab 3 Sound filters
- Lab 4 Power
- Lab 5 Photodetectors
- Lab 6 Thermocouple
- Lab 7 Ultrasonic range detection
brg336_-_medical_devices_teaching_lab/start.1734448952.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/12/17 15:22 by gcayala