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Bunch Algorithm


Algorithm Intent

Banch algorithm produces flat decomposition from a software system.

Factbase Properties

Clustering Objectives

The Bunch algorithm constructs software decomposition with maximum cohesion and minimum coupling.

Process Description

Bunch algorithm is optimization search algorithm that finds a partition with the maximum value of the MQ objective function.

Decomposition Properties

The Bunch decomposition has a high value for its objective function (MQ).

Algorithm Restrictions

Failed Assumptions

Detailed Algorithm Description

Bunch starts by generating a random partition of the module dependency graph. Then, entities from the partition are regrouped systematically by examining neighbouring partitions in order to find a better partition. When an improved partition is found, the process repeats, i.e. the found partition is used as the basis for finding the next improved partition. The algorithm stops when it cannot find a better partition.


The bunch is official implementation of Bunch algorithm.

protected/bunch.1242087806.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/05/12 00:23 by mark

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