====== 2008 Standings ====== Those that finished in the top six (sorted alphabetically on last name) and the number of top six finishes. For more details, see the Recent Contests link on the left side of this page. ^ name ^ number of top six finishes ^ | Ankii Agrawal | 1 | | Anton Belov | 1 | | Trevor Brown | 2 | | Robert Chen | 1 | | Joanna Helga | 2 | | Andri Ivorygin | 1 | | Marina Jungblut | 1 | | Marcin Kwietniewski| 2 | | Dennis Ng | 1 | | Tim Oleskiw | 1 | | Chris Prevoe | 1 | | Almaz Rakhmetov | 4 | | Zaid Sarsam | 1 | | Damon Sotoudeh | 3 | | Bart Verzijlenberg | 1 | | Tsetan Yeshi | 1 |