====== Prof. Hui Jiang ======
====== Welcome to Prof. Hui Jiang's Home Page at YorkU ======
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**Hui Jiang** \\
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
York University \\
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3, CANADA \\
**Office**: LAS 3014 \\
**Tel**: (416) 736-2100 x33346 \\
**Fax**: (416) 736-5872 \\
**Email**: //__username__ AT __domain__ DOT yorku DOT ca// \\
(__username__: hj; __domain__: eecs) \\ [[research:MLFBook|{{ :research:mlb-book-cover-small.jpg?115}}]]
** Nov. 16, 2024: my homepage has been moved to a [[https://incml.github.io/huijiang | Github site]] from now on. **
**My new book "Machine Learning Fundamentals" //©Hui Jiang// 2021, is recently published by //Cambridge University Press//. Check [[ research:MLFBook | here]] for details. **
**I am maintaining a technology blog at [[ https://incml.github.io | here]]**.
===== Research =====
I am currently working on various topics related to neural models for machine learning, speech and language processing, and computer vision. We are located at [[https://wiki.eecs.yorku.ca/lab/MLL/start|the NCML Lab (LAS2054)]]. **If you are interested in doing research with me, please email me at the above address.**
check for my [[research:start| research interests and recent projects]]
===== News =====
* 2019/05/13: One paper is accepted by [[http://www.acl2019.org/EN/index.xhtml| ACL2019]].
* 2019/02/22: Two papers are accepted by [[https://naacl2019.org|NAACL2019]].
* 2019/01/20: One paper is accepted by [[https://datainnovation.soic.indiana.edu/www2019_kgta/index.html|WWW-2019 workshop on Knowledge Graph Technology and Application]].
* 2018/08/10: One paper is accepted by [[https://emnlp2018.org|EMNLP2018]].
* 2017/07/01: One paper is accepted by [[http://emnlp2017.net|EMNLP2017]].
* 2017/04/23: One paper is accepted by [[http://ijcai-17.org/|IJCAI2017]].
* 2017/04/01: Two papers are accepted by [[http://acl2017.org/|ACL2017]].
* 2017/03/30: [[http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7859324/|Our FSMN paper]] is accepted by IEEE Trans. ASLP.
* 2017/03/01: One paper is accepted by [[http://www.ijcnn.org/|IJCNN-2017]].
* 2016/12/12: [[http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=6857341&tag=1| Our paper]] won [[https://signalprocessingsociety.org/get-involved/award-recipients| 2016 IEEE SPS Best Paper Award]].
* 2016/11/11: Our teams won the EDL track (No.1 and No.2 among all participating teams) in [[https://tac.nist.gov/2016/KBP/|2016 TAC KBP contest]]. The technical details of our systems can be found: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.03558|arXiv:1611.03558]] and [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.00801|arXiv:1611.00801]].
* 2016/07/20: [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.07704|Our recent work on CommonSense Reasoning]] was mentioned in [[https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601897/tougher-turing-test-exposes-chatbots-stupidity|a recent article from MIT technology Review]]. The technical details can be found in our recent arXiv paper [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.07704|here]].
* 2016/06/10: One paper is accepted by [[http://www.interspeech2016.org/|Interspeech-2016]].
* 2016/04/04: One paper is accepted by [[http://ijcai-16.org|IJCAI-2016]].
* 2016/03/02: Two (2) papers are accepted by [[http://naacl.org/naacl-hlt-2016/|NAACL 2016]].
* 2016/01/03: [[http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.00702|Our HOPE paper]] is accepted by [[http://jmlr.org/papers/v17/15-335.html|JMLR]].
===== Invited Talks =====
* April 2019, "Understanding Deep Learning in Theory", Vector Institute Seminar on April 5, 2019. ({{:dl-theory.pdf|slides}})
* December 2016, "A New General Deep Learning Approach for Natural Language Processing ", Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China. (Invited and hosted by Prof. Ting Liu) ({{:huijiang-hit-talk.pdf|slides}})
* August 2015, "A New Framework to Learn Neural Networks: Hybrid Orthogonal Projection and Estimation (HOPE)", Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China. (Invited and hosted by Dr. Qiang Huo) ({{:hope-talk-aug2015.pdf|slides}})
* November 2013, "Why Deep Neural Network Works for Speech Recognition?" Deptartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University. (Invited and hosted by Prof. Xiao-Ping Zhang) ({{:ryersonu-visit-2013.pdf|slides}})
* October 2013, "Why DNN Works for Speech and How to Make it More Efficient?" IBM Waston Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York. (Invited and hosted by Dr. Xiaodong Cui) ({{:huijiang-ibm-visit-2013.pdf|slides}})
* February 2013, "Why DNN Works for Acoustic Modeling in Speech Recognition?" Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto. (Invited and hosted by Prof. Gerald Penn) ({{:uoft-visit-2013.pdf|slides}})
===== Teaching =====
My teaching is [[Teaching:Start|here]]
===== Student Supervision =====
My supervised post-doc and graduate students are [[Students:START|here]].