- Labs
The labs focus on technology. They enable you to focus on details and actually build systems. Labs are meant to be learning instruments, not assessment tools.
- Lectures
The lectures focus on concepts, standards, and the big-picture. Certain technological details are also covered to demonstrate complex ideas or to compare and contrast implementations.
- Quizzes and Games
Some lectures will include pop quizzes, hands-on challenges in the teaching lab and/or games. These active-learning activities are intended for uncovering fallacies and avoiding pitfalls.
- Assigned Readings
The lecture notes (linked to from the Calendar) include assigned readings from the textbook and from selected articles. These are integral parts of the learning experience of this course.
- Discussion Group
You are strongly encouraged to contribute to this group. By simply framing an issue into a question, you help sharpen the learning focus for yourself and for others. And by answering a question or engaging in a discussion, you sharpen your ability to make/defend a point or critique one.