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  • Labs

The labs focus on technology. They are self-contained and enable you to learn the MIPS assembly and machine languages and explore the CPU datapath and control through Verilog.

  • Lectures

The lectures focus on concepts, principles, and the big-picture. Certain MIPS-specific details are also covered to demonstrate complex ideas or to compare and contrast implementations.

  • Quizzes

Some lectures will include quizzes which are intended to allow you to gauge your knowledge and learning of the course material. Your best 2 out of 3 quiz marks will be counted towards your final grade.

  • Assigned Readings

The lecture notes include assigned readings from the textbook and from selected articles. These are integral parts of the learning experience of this course.

  • Discussion Group

You are strongly encouraged to contribute to this group. By simply framing an issue into a question, you help sharpen the learning focus for yourself and for others. And by answering a question or engaging in a discussion, you sharpen your ability to prove a point or assess one.

format.txt · Last modified: 2009/09/06 17:11 by hchesser